

Donald Trump has celebrated the sacking of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe who was fired two days before his retirement date.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday sacked Mr McCabe who described the move as part of the US President’s “war on the FBI”.

The decision was made on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials and came just two days before Mr McCabe was set to retire after 20 years of service.  

It comes ahead of an inspector general report expected to conclude that Mr McCabe was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it reviewed the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Though Mr McCabe had spent more than 20 years as a career FBI official, Mr Trump repeatedly condemned him over the last year as emblematic of an FBI leadership he contends is biased against his administration.

Mr Trump, who had long called for his sacking but said it was up to Mr Sessions, tweeted: “Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!”

"The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and accountability," Mr Sessions said in a Friday night statement. 

In an extraordinary rebuttal released immediately after the attorney general's announcement, Mr McCabe said his credibility had been attacked as "part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally" but also the FBI and law enforcement. 

"It is part of this administration's ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the special counsel investigation, which continue to this day," he added, referring to Robert Mueller's ongoing probe into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. 

"Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the special counsel's work." 

Mr McCabe also asserted that he was being singled out because of the "role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey." 

Mr McCabe said the release of the findings against him was accelerated after he told congressional officials that he could corroborate Mr Comey's accounts of his conversations with the president. 

Mr McCabe came under particular scrutiny over an October 2016 news report that revealed differing approaches within the FBI and Justice Department over how aggressively the Clinton Foundation should be investigated. The watchdog office has concluded that Mr McCabe authorized FBI officials to speak to a Wall Street Journal reporter for that story and that he had not been forthcoming with investigators, which Mr McCabe denies.

Evening Standard

President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated the Chinese President Xi Jinping on his re-election as the President of the Peoples Republic of China.

In a letter personally signed by him, the Nigerian leader praised his Chinese counterpart for his wisdom and vision.

“On behalf of the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I congratulate you most sincerely on your re-election as the President of the Peoples Republic of China.

“Your re-election is an indication of the trust and confidence reposed in you by the people of China on your ability to bring your vision and wisdom to bear in the conduct of national and global affairs,” he said.

President Buhari also looked forward to increased cooperation between China and Nigeria on one hand and China and Africa on the other hand.

“It is my firm belief that your re-election will also bolster the existing mutually benefiting partnership between the Peoples Republic of China and Nigeria.

“I look forward to meeting Your Excellency at the forthcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Beijing Summit in September 2018. I am confident that it will be a great success and good opportunity to draw up new levels of partnership between Africa and China,” President Buhari said.


President Muhammadu Buhari will not attend the extraordinary meeting of African Union Heads of State and Government billed to hold in Kigali, Rwanda, Wednesday. 

Reliable sources at the Presidency disclosed Saturday that Buhari’s trip had been canceled. 

The president, it was learnt,  had been scheduled to depart Nigeria for Kigali on Monday for the signing of the framework agreement for establishing the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). 

The reason for the cancelation of the President Buhari's trip is not yet known. 

The first set of his advance team is already in Kigali; while the second one, comprising protocol staff, security officers and journalists were today asked to return from Murtala International Airport, Lagos, where they were to take off. 

When contacted, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu directed our correspondent to the Presidential spokesman,  Mr Femi Adesina, for enquiry. 

Mr Adesina's phone was switched off as of the time of filing this report. 

The Federal Executive Council had Wednesday approved that Nigeria sign the framework agreement for the AfCFTA. 

The council had also approved that Nigeria express her interest in hosting the secretariat of the AfCFTA. 

The decision to establish the AfCFTA was taken in 2012 by all Heads of State and Government of the African Union at their 18th Ordinary Session. 

AfCFTA is the first step in the implementation of AU Agenda 2063: the “Vision” for an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa.

Daily Trust

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Africa's only female head of state, offered her resignation in the "national interest," according to her lawyer Yousouf Mohamed. He added that her resignation would take effect on March 23.

Mohamed told local Radio Plus that she had decided to resign "to prevent a constitutional crisis."

"She doesn't want the country ... to suffer. In the country's best interests she has decided to leave," the lawyer said.

Gurib-Fakim is accused of using a bank card provided by a non-governmental organization for personal use, including the purchasing of jewelry and luxury items worth at least 25,000 euros ($30,000). She has vowed to fight the allegations.

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth said earlier this month that Gurib-Fakim, 58, had agreed to step down, with a date for her departure to be determined following last Monday's ceremony marking the Indian Ocean archipelago nation's 50 years of independence.

But on Wednesday the president issued a statement lashing out at "weeks of attacks and false allegations" and said she planned to clear her name and had vowed not to resign.

The president's role is primarily ceremonial but Gurib-Fakim, who is a renowned scientist, joined the London-based Planet Earth Institute (PEI) in a supposed-attempt to try and develop scientific capacity in Africa.

In May 2016, she received a credit card to pay for travel and logistical expenses tied to her role but claims she inadvertently used it for unrelated expenses.

Gurib-Fakim maintains that she immediately realized her mistake, informed PEI of the transactions, reimbursed them for the purchases, as well as for all of her expenses related to her PEI mission.

The PEI confirmed this account, issuing a statement earlier this week saying that Gurib-Fakim "thus never received gifts, favors, wages or expenses from the PEI, nor undue benefits or advantage."

But an investigation by a local newspaper L'Express chronicled Gurib-Faksim's purchase of a notebook computer in September 2016, clothes and jewelry in October more jewels in November and luxury clothes in December.

But more than the purchases themselves public ire in Mauritius has been stoked by Gurib-Faksim's association with an Angolan billionaire named Alvaro Sobrinho, who is a founding member of the PEI, and is himself under investigation in Switzerland and Portugal on fraud charges.

Sobrinho won permission to open an investment bank in Mauritius in 2017, prompting allegations of favoritism on his behalf.

Facing pressure from the opposition, Gurib-Fakim resigned shortly afterward from her role at the PEI.


Presidential spokesman, Mr Femi Adesina, in this interview by LEON USIGBE speaks on the speculated second term ambition of President Muhammadu Buhari, declaring that the president will determine the direction of the All Progressives Congress (APC) on the 2019 elections. He also speaks on the recent visits of the president to some states affected by killings in the North.

Following the spate of recent killings in some parts of the country, President Muhammadu Buhari was in Nasarawa, Plateau, Taraba, Benue and Yobe states on condolence visits. What lessons has the government learnt from these visits on crisis management?

Let us put the visits in proper perspective. Nasarawa was a working visit. It was not a condolence visit. Plateau was also a working visit, not a condolence visit. So, the places where we have had condolence visits so far are Taraba, in Benue and Yobe states. Three states have been visited; five are slated for such kind of visit. So, you have Zamfara and Rivers states still outstanding in that category. So, we need to understand it properly that not all the visits so far were condolence visits. Some are working visits-Nasarawa and Plateau states. But what lesson can we learn from the condolence visits? It is that Nigerians must learn to live together. No ethnic group should wish away other ethnic groups in this country. We have to learn to live together.

We have a federation and anybody must be at home anywhere in the country, as long as they are bonafide Nigerians. That is what the president has told them in the places he visited. He will tell the governor, ‘you can stay here for a maximum of eight years. I can stay here a maximum of eight years as president, but the locals and the herdsmen will live together forever’. He said God did not make a mistake when he created 250 ethnic groups and got them to live together in a geographical entity called Nigeria. So, the lesson is we must learn to live together. But then government, according to the constitution, must guarantee the protection of lives and property and government will do its level best in that respect.

Why were some newspapers prevented from covering the president’s visit to Benue State?

The presidency had nothing to do with it. The accreditation for newspaper coverage during that visit was done locally, that is, by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor of the affected states. They were the host. So, they were the ones that can do that kind of thing. We had nothing to do with it. I saw a headline “Presidency bars…”, No no. You see, some people are already paranoid about the presidency and if they want to continue in that paranoia, we say good luck to them.

The president has remarkably overcome his health challenges. To what would you ascribe his recovery-God, his doctors or simply his determination to bounce back?

Even medical people do say “we care but God cures or God heals.” So, it is God. No matter your determination as a person, they say determination plays a part in healing but if you are determined to get healed and God says ‘no, time up’, that determination will not work. So, the first source we must credit the president’s bounce back to is God. God heard the prayers of Nigerians and even people beyond this country. You remember that in Guinea, they declared a day of fasting and praying for the president’s health. So, God heard all those prayers: He spared our president and he is fully back in terms of his health. So, we give God the glory.

Politicians are said to be ganging up against the reelection of President Buhari. That should give the president a lot of concerns. What should Nigerians expect as his reaction to all these political moves against him?

Democracy thrives on multiplicity. You cannot have a democracy of one man. If it is one man, it is already autocracy; it is not democracy again. So, if you have multiple interests like that, it makes democracy to thrive. There is also what is called the right of first refusal. In a party that is cohesive, that is together, they want to hear whether the incumbent is interested before they throw the game open. So, when the president speaks, it will then determine what the party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), does.

The government has executed or is executing some landmark projects such as the railway lines and major roads. Which of these would you say gives the president the greatest joy and why?

Anything that touches the lives of the poor is what gladdens the president. Anywhere we go and he sees them [the people] come out en masse to welcome him like that, he just tells himself, “I hope I am able to touch the lives of these people.” So, anything the government now does, for instance in the agriculture sector, when we came, rice farmers were about five million. But today, they are 12 million. So, over six million rice farmers, successful ones, were made millionaires. So, those kinds of things gladden the president’s heart. Anything that touches the lives of the ordinary people and turns their situation around, that is what gladdens his heart.

Poor power supply has remained a major issue. Should Nigerians still be hopeful that the Buhari presidency will deliver on this?

It’s still an issue, but compare it to where we are coming from particularly in 2015. When this government came, there was less than 3,000 megawatts. Today, you have 7,001 megawatts, which is more than double of what we had before. And of that, we can distribute well over 5,000 megawatts. So, there is a huge difference between where we are coming from and where we are now. And the target of this administration is that, by 2019, there will be 10,000 megawatts. So, if there is over 7,000 megawatts, it shows that the 10,000 megawatts target is achievable.

What are you pinning this hope on? Are there new power projects to be implemented?

The strategy is a mix. Everything is not a single type of power; it is not just all about hydro or gas or all that. There is a mix of power sources. Very soon, I think one power project is going to be commissioned in Katsina State. I think it is wind. Then, you have solar everywhere. You have all sources. It is going to be an agglomeration of different types of power sources. And so, between now and 2019, the target of 10,000 megawatts will be achieved, by the grace of God.

Opponents of your government, especially the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have reinvented their media machines. You must be feeling the heat now or you are simply not bothered by what they do or say?

It wouldn’t bother me a hoot. But then, this question should go to the spokesman of the APC because he is the parallel of the PDP spokesman. There is no other government or presidency that I can say is parallel to this one [my office] that I must respond to. No. But party to party, the APC spokesman should respond.

Every problem confronting every government is a media issue and, given challenges that spring on all fronts, are you not feeling overwhelmed? How do you manage the attacks directed at you? Any regrets taking this tough job?

I take them in my strides. For instance, I see a lot of what you will call attacks directed at me which are unfounded because they are not part of my brief. People don’t often understand the difference between a spokesman for the president and a spokesman for the government. I see them shouting and wailing about certain things and they say Femi Adesina, but I know that that is outside my brief. So, I just ignore it. The one that is within my remit, the one that is within my purview, I try to do it to the best of my ability and the president who is my principal, who appointed me, has not complained about my work. So, I want to believe that he is satisfied and as long as he is satisfied, it’s okay by me.

Have you ever wondered why you have remained on the job because of what people do to you? 

No. No. I came to do the job voluntarily. Yeah. For me, I don’t even call it a job. I call it an assignment which I took on voluntarily. And because I took it on voluntarily, there is nothing anybody says that will discourage me because I know why I came and as long as my principal is doing the work, I’m glad to assist him in any little way that I can.


Last modified on Saturday, 17 March 2018 14:01

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has effected a minor adjustment in its timetable for the 2018 May/June Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

This followed complaints by some Muslim stakeholders that the board allowed part of its examination to clash with the Friday Jummat prayer.

In the timetable for the 2018 May/June examination, the Chemistry paper was scheduled for 2pm to 5pm on Friday, April 20. Muslim Friday prayers usually hold between 1:30 pm to 3pm.

But Muslim stakeholders, notably the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), accused WAEC of insensitivity and described the timetable as an “injustice” against Muslims.

The president of the organization, Professor Ishaq Akintola, was quoted in a statement as saying that the development further showed that Muslims had become “endangered species.”

“When there is no justice, there can never be peace and everyone is clamouring for peace,” he said said.

According to him, WAEC had fixed examinations during Jummat sessions for some years and Muslim leaders discussed with the council in 2016 and 2017.

“Until something starts happening, until the Muslims start disrupting WAEC examination, until Muslims start tearing WAEC examination materials, that is when government will start paying attention.

“WAEC is playing games and they want the Muslims to make noise every year “

He accused WAEC of deliberately provoking Muslims “it has continued to show itself as a consistent anti-Muslim institution.”

But WAEC’s Director of Public Affairs, Mr Demianus Ojijeogu, reacting to the development told the Saturday Tribune that the board had adjusted the timetable to accommodate the Muslims’ interests.

“The Council, being a responsible and responsive organisation, has made a slight adjustment on the timetable.

“The papers originally slated for Friday, April 20, 2018 will now be taken on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at the same times as stated on the timetable; while those slated for Tuesday, April 10, 2018 will now be taken on Friday, April 20, 2018 at the same time as stated on the timetable.”


More victims of child grooming in Telford have been coming forward within the wake of stories concerning the scandal, an MP has stated.

Conservative Lucy Allan stated she had been “inundated” with studies since talking concerning the challenge in Parliament.

Police stated they have been at present working with about 46 people who have been in danger.

One local venture working with younger abuse victims stated it had acquired 2,000 requires assistance prior to now two years.

The Sunday Mirror reported that up to 1,000 women in the Shropshire city might have been victims of child sexual exploitation (CSE) because the 1980s.

West Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner stated he had “sought clarification” on studies that a memo by the pressure in 2013 stated some youngster sexual abuse victims had “consented”.

The wording has been criticised in the Mirrorfor showing in charge victims, and PCC John Campion has stated he thinks it was a “poor selection of words”.

Since her speech in Parliament, Ms Allan advised the BBC she had been “inundated with e-mails saying, ‘This has occurred to me'”.

She stated: “I have additionally spoken to a marketing consultant psychiatrist who has had many patients who've skilled this concern and are coping with the psychological health penalties of this horrible crime.

“It's clear this has been happening for a few years and a big variety of women have been affected.”

The Cate Venture, which a council report said was overworked and under-resourced, stated that since April 2016, it had acquired 2,000 inquiries for help over CSE points. The challenge workforce works immediately with youngsters abused via exploitation in Telford.

Nationwide youngsters’s charity the NSPCC stated it had delivered three,122 counselling periods about CSE by way of its Childline service in 2016/17, compared with 2,340 in 2015/16 – a 33% improve.

Barnardo’s stated it had been working in Shropshire since last October to offer counselling periods to younger people who are “at excessive danger of sexual exploitation”.

Chief government Javed Khan stated: “The size of the abuse in Telford is deeply surprising and those responsible have to be held accountable for any failings uncovered.

“Our specialist providers see every single day the injury brought on by these horrific crimes.”

A spokesman for Telford and Wrekin Council stated it had not acquired any new reviews of CSE but added the council was not the one route for victims who may need to contact the authorities.

Ms Allan has raised an Early Day Movement in Parliament to call on the council to fee a Rotherham-style unbiased inquiry into the state of affairs.

The council says it needs the government to commission the report slightly than itself as a result of its “independence and scope might be referred to as into question”.

A few of the instances also pre-date the local authority, which was shaped in 1998.

The House Workplace has stated the Unbiased Inquiry into Youngster Sexual Abuse can be taking a look at Telford in its investigation into child sexual exploitation, but it's right down to local authorities to determine whether an extra evaluate is important.

West Mercia Police Supt Tom Harding, who's in general charge of policing in Telford, has stated police and authorities within the city have been working with “approximately 46 younger individuals” who have been victims of CSE or thought-about “in danger”.

He added: “Subsequently, I considerably dispute the 1,000-plus figure, and do really feel it's sensationalised.

“Read the headlines, learn the stories. What are they really discussing? They’re discussing instances from 20 or 30 years in the past, offending again in the 1990s.”


A suicide attacker blew up a bomb-laden vehicle in Kabul on Saturday, killing at least two civilians and wounding several others, an Afghan official said.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack as the group comes under growing pressure to take up the Afghan government’s offer of peace talks.

“Around 9:10 am this morning a suicide car bomb exploded in Police District Nine of Kabul,” interior ministry spokesperson Najib Danish told AFP.

Two civilians were killed and three others were wounded in the attack, Danish said. The blast happened at a time when many people would have been driving to work.

Health ministry spokesperson Wahid Majrooh told AFP at least four people had been wounded.

Deputy interior ministry spokesperson Nasrat Rahimi said the bomber was heading towards global security company G4S but “detonated himself before reaching the target”.

The deadly attack – the latest in a series in the war-weary Afghan capital – comes days after the top US general in Afghanistan said protecting the city was a priority for foreign forces.

“Kabul is our main effort right now, to harden Kabul, to protect the people of Kabul and the international community that are here because of the strategic impact that has and the importance to the campaign,” General John Nicholson, told reporters on Wednesday.

The Taliban and its smaller rival Islamic State group have been dialing up the pressure on Kabul, launching a series of devastating attacks in recent months.

The most recent was on March 9 when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a Shia area of the city, killing at least nine people.

Saturday’s assault comes amid growing pressure on the Taliban to accept the Afghan government’s offer of peace talks to end the 16-year conflict.

So far the Taliban has given only a muted response to President Ashraf Ghani’s proposal last month, which also called for a ceasefire after which the group could become a political party.

Analysts said the Taliban leadership has been debating the merits of engaging with a government that the group has long viewed as illegitimate. But it appears to have few reasons to negotiate.

Nine martyred, over a dozen injured in Raiwind suicide attack

The Taliban has been resurgent since the withdrawal of US-led NATO combat troops at the end of 2014, taking back territory and devastating Afghanistan’s beleaguered security forces.

In October, insurgents controlled or influenced nearly half of Afghanistan’s districts – double the percentage in 2015, the US government’s office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in January.

Over the same period, the watchdog said, the number of districts under Afghan government control or influence fell to its lowest level since December 2015.


The General Overseer of Redeemed Christian  Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, revealed his emotional side  yesterday during a condolence visit  to Benue State on the recent killing of innocent people by herdsmen.

Adeboye told Governor Samuel Ortom how he wept in January during the mass burial of 78 victims of the mayhem.

“No man of God will see a mass burial anywhere and not feel the pains of the people affected,”  he said.

He added: ”Benue State is very, very close to my heart; I had felt every pain you people felt and I wept when I saw you weeping.”


Pastor Adeboye, who was accompanied by his wife, Folu, said he was in Makurdi to console and pray for the government and people of the state over the killings by suspected herdsmen.

He  said he did not visit the state before the President to avoid unnecessary speculations about his intention.

He said:”We want these killings to stop. Happily, we know someone who can stop it. He is the Almighty God; He does not fail or compromise.He is the God of all.

“We will continue to call on Him to fight this battle and you can be assured that victory will be certain.”

Receiving Adeboye and his entourage, Ortom said the herdsmen’s rampage,apart from causing the deaths of many people, has created a huge humanitarian crisis in the state.


The Nation 

President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday named the governors of Kebbi, Taraba, Plateau,  Lagos,  Ebonyi and Delta States as members of the National Food Security Council.

The council’s broad objectives include developing sustainable solutions to the farmers-herdsmen clashes, climate change and desertification and their impact on farmland, grazing areas and lakes, rivers and other water bodies, oil spillage and its impact on Niger Delta fishing communities, piracy and banditry, agricultural research institutions and extension services and the problem of smuggling.

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu, who disclosed this in a statement, said the council, to be chaired by the president, would be inaugurated on Monday.

He said Buhari approved the constitution of the council’s membership days after he announced the intention of the federal government to establish the council. 

Other members are the Secretary to the Government of the Federation Boss Mustapha, the Chief of Staff to the President  Abba Kyari, the National Security Adviser  Babagana Monguno and seven  ministers.

The ministers are those of Agriculture and Rural Development, Finance, Interior, Industry, Trade and Investment, Water Resources, Environment, Budget and National Planning.

Other members include the Chief of Defence Staff, the governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, the Directors-General of the Department of State Services and National Intelligence Agency as well as the Comptroller-General of Nigeria Immigration Service.

Shehu said the council would also take interest in regional and global policies and trends that bear implications for food security in Nigeria.



Last modified on Saturday, 17 March 2018 07:41