Rebellion in the cathedral -The Nation

The resignation of Bishop Okpalaeke of Catholic Diocese of Ahiara marks a new development in the church

The politics and tension that engulfed the Catholic Church following the rejection of The Most Rev. Peter Ebere Okpalaeke by the clergy and laity of Ahiara Diocese was partially resolved last week as the bishop resigned his appointment. The rebellion and stiff resistance by the faithful of the diocese over a five-year period was unprecedented. Appointed in 2012 by then Supreme Pontiff (Pope) Benedict, the bishop could neither be consecrated in nor granted entrance to the cathedral. He was a bishop in limbo. A contradiction in terms!

It is unfortunate that neither the authority nor office of Pope Benedict and Francis was enough to sway the Mbaise Catholic faithful. The reasons adduced were as ludicrous as the violent resistance that has portrayed the well regarded church in bad light. The people have insisted that only a bishop of Mbaise extraction would be acceptable to them.

Ethnicity and intolerance, the bane of Nigeria’s development have eaten so deep into the church that no appeals or threats could sway the people. Explanation that appointments are made by the leading of the Holy Spirit meant nothing to them as they insisted that the Mbaise people have the largest number of Catholic priests in Sub-Sahara Africa, yet, none, so far, has been deemed fit for appointment as bishop. Since 2012, John Cardinal Onaiyekan has been superintending affairs of the diocese, but the embattled bishop’s resignation has produced The Most Revd Lucius Ugorji, Bishop of Umuahia, as the new Apostolic Administrator until a final resolution of the unusual crisis is effected.

Matters ecclesiastic are expected to yield to divine guidance, not the brigandage that sometimes attend communal and political disputes. In a few instances in the past, there have been complaints about Pontifical appointments, but never has any been as messy as the Ahiara Diocese rebellion. Whereas the laity could be stubborn in holding to their viewpoints, and are sometimes given to forcing their way on the church authorities, it is considered sacrilegious that priests sworn to obedience to the local ordinaries and the Papacy could refuse the church’s directives.

However, we commend Bishop Okpalaeke’s maturity in realising the damage that the stand-off has caused and continued to cause the Catholic Church’s image. His resignation is an indication that he knows that the church must not suffer the result of human frailties. In his letter, he indicated: “I am convinced that my remaining the Bishop of Ahiara Diocese is no longer beneficial to the church … I do not think that my apostolate in a diocese, where some priests and lay faithful are ill-disposed to have me in their midst would be effective.”

The Ahiara Diocese crisis is a pointer that the church should carefully examine the appointment process and strictly adhere to time-tested laid down rules. The rebellious faction insists that Bishop Okpalaeke’s appointment did not follow due process as neither the Metropolitan Bishop of Owerri nor any of the local ordinaries was allowed to play the part expected of them.

We call on the local authorities, including the leadership of the Catholic Bishops Association of Nigeria, the Metropolitan Bishop of Owerri, the immediate Past Apostolic Administrator, Cardinal Onaiyekan, the new Apostolic Administrator, the respected Francis Cardinal Arinze, the Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria, representatives of the Knights and Laity on both sides of the divide, to prayerfully consider the issues involved in the crisis with a view to restoring order in the diocese as well as improving on the process of appointing bishops. Only this could sustain the respect the church commands in the society.

Only recently, the Catholic bishops visited President Muhammadu Buhari and spoke for the people. Crises such as in Ahiara Diocese could muffle the voice of the bishops. It is also an eye opener to other churches that, while the spiritual should be their primary concern, other issues regarding structure and administration deserve due attention. Church history shows that the laity has never accepted to be shoved aside. The Pope in far away Rome might be credited with making appointments, but recommendations are locally made. What the Mbaise Catholic faithful demand is akin to the “taxation without representation is tyranny” slogan of the American Revolution.

It could be indicative of a resentment of over-centralisation of decision-making. Deification of the Pope was one major reason for the 16th Century Reformation drive that gave birth to protestantism. A parallel could be drawn between the prevailing issues that fuelled that revolt and the seeping challenge that could be gleaned from the Ahiara Diocese that withstood the church for more than four years and seems to be having its way.

Highhandedness might not provide a lasting solution to the crisis. While the authority and the canons must be respected, the people should at least have their say.
The Nation
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