Dapchi school girls abduction, a totally avoidable déjà vu - Red Card Movement

Citizens have been killed, maimed, bruised, abducted, abused and violated because of the failure of successive governments to perform the primary constitutional duty of protecting life and property. Once again another major tragedy has befallen our country. The Red Card Movement strongly condemns the criminal invasion and abduction of the Dapchi School girls, by yet to be identified gunmen on the 19th of February, 2018. The abduction is very similar to that of Chibok girls which happened four years ago, under a different regime. This regime rightfully criticized the condemnable conduct of the last regime in handling the 2014 Chibok girls' abduction.

The abduction of the Dapchi school girls was totally avoidable. Every reasonable Nigerian expected our government to have learnt multiple lessons from the Chibok girls’ abduction especially from the findings of the various committees of its predecessor administration and the ones it also constituted. Is it right to conclude that the President Buhari led administration did not learn and therefore failed to put corrective measures in place to avoid the repeat tragedies that have become rampant across the country? News of the abduction of 110 school girls from Government Girls Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State, and confirmed by both the State and Federal Governments, was the least expected terrorist act, after several assurances by the President Buhari`s led administration that “the menace of terrorism as represented by the Boko Haram sect in Nigeria has been seriously contained, and that Boko Haram Sect has been dealt a fatal blow, degraded and defeated.”

The abduction of Dapchi girls is undisputed evidence that indeed our Federal Government, the security team and the military in particular must undertake a comprehensive review of the counter-terrorism strategy to ensure absolute defeat of BokoHaram. When will this administration disclose and publish the findings of the Presidential Committees set up to investigate the Chibok abduction under President Jonathan? When also will the Report of the President Buhari led administration’s investigation panel on Chibok Girls abduction which has been demanded by various groups, be published? We are left asking, was no intelligence gathered from the released Chibok girls during their debriefs? Did the government learn nothing during the negotiation process for their release? Education is a basic fundamental right and we are of the firm opinion, that it is an act of cowardice, for criminals and Boko Haram terrorist group (as in the case of the waves of abductions and killings that have bedeviled the Citizens), to continue to prey on defenseless citizens in order to prove their bravery in a misguided war that is in the main, senseless and barbaric.

Terrorism must not be allowed to defeat Democracy. Never shall we tolerate the freedom of terrorists in our society. Never shall we tolerate a government that cannot protect life and property of every Citizen. This Federal Government much like its predecessor has manifested a visible failure in intelligence gathering and application. The denials, contradictions, lack of empathy and slow response have similarities to the last regime. We are extremely disturbed by the official lies, contradictions and denials that followed after the tragedy in Dapchi. Our movement unequivocally states that such misinformation and disinformation were uncalled-for, appalling and insensitive.

At best it shows poor co-ordination from government and at worst it reveals a troubling trend of falsehood and cover-ups that offends the sensibilities of every Nigerian, especially the families of the victims of dastardly act in our society. Citizens have an undeniable right to know the truth at all times and to be confident that their government keeps its constitutional responsibility. The Citizens of Nigeria deserve considerably better governance than what is being offered by the President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration as of right. Good Governance is not a privilege! In this vein, the Red Card Movement is calling on Mr. President to keep to his obligation as set out in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of 1999 (as amended).

The President should ensure that both the 112 Chibok Girls and the 110 Dapchi Girls are rescued and returned to their families without further delay. We also demand that a secure Nigeria is not only provided for the Dapchi Girls, but to every Nigerian student(boys and girls) to enjoy their studies uninterrupted. Therefore we call on the Federal Government and all the state governments to swiftly implement the Safe School Initiative to which they committed Nigeria globally in 2014. Finally, we wish to use this opportunity, to appeal to the Citizens at home and in the Diaspora to unite. We all must show more than a passing interest in the affairs of our nation.

Nigeria is all that we have. We enjoin everyone to join the discussions regarding our collective future. Every citizen has a Voice and should use it. If we all do not speak up now, who will? Whenever one Nigerian is endangered we all are endangered. Whether it be in Dapchi, Benue or Omoku, we are all victims and must take on a collective fight against our common enemy which is bad governance. This is not the time for indifference and silence from any citizen. It is time for all citizens to speak up! All Citizens must hold our governments accountable.

Good Governance and Ethical Leadership is no longer negotiable. We commend our patriotic warriors, brave men and women who are out there on the battlefield for their unrelenting efforts to secure Nigeria and its territories. We equally call on all citizens to offer as much cooperation and intel to our security forces that is needed to overthrow this ugly reign of terrorism in our land. Nigeria can win this war if our Government places the dignity of every Nigerian’s regardless of status above every other consideration. The President as Commander -in-Chief of the Armed Forces can demonstrate that by ensuring that the 110 DapChi Girls, 112 Chibok Girls and all other abducted citizens of Nigeria are immediately rescued from their captors.

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