

Alleged kidnap kingpin, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, popularly known as Evans, on Tuesday, filed a fresh suit at a Federal High Court in Lagos, seeking N1 billion damages against the Police over alleged unlawful sealing of his property in Lagos.

The suit, filed by his lawyer, Mr. Olukoya Ogungbeje, has sued the Inspector General of Police, Nigeria Police, Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Response Team, (IRT), ACP Abba Kyari and DSP Phillip Rieninwa as respondents.

The applicant is seeking a declaration that the forceful seizure, confiscation, and sealing of his property by the respondents without any court order is illegal, wrongful and unconstitutional.

He wants an order compelling the respondents jointly and severally to immediately and unconditionally release the properties as listed in the motion papers.

In addition, he is asking the court for an order compelling the respondents to immediately and unconditionally unseal and vacate the applicants two residential houses located in a highbrow area of Magodo in Lagos.

Other reliefs are an order compelling the respondents to severally and jointly tender an apology to the applicant and to pay him the sum of N1 billion being general and exemplary damages for the alleged forceful seizure and confiscation of the applicant’s property without the court order.

A perpetual injunction restraining the respondents from tampering or taking any action against the applicant or any of his properties in relation to this case.

Some of the properties listed in the application include N50 million cash, two residential duplexes, brigade wrist-watch worth 170,000 dollars, a phone worth 30,000 dollars and five pieces of Saphono Rucci Diamond rings worth 100,000 dollars.

Others are three Italian travel bags worth 55,000 dollars, 10 Spanish shoes each worth N2.5 million, 20 KVA inverter set worth N10 million, two sets of dinning table worth N8 million.

The applicant also wants N4 million as the cost of action against the respondents.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that Evans was arraigned by the police before a Lagos High Court in October 2017 on a 40-count bordering on kidnapping, robbery among other offences.

No date has been fixed for the hearing of the suit which was filed on Tuesday about 11.35 a.m.


Less than a day after meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari, Rex Tillerson has been fired as the U.S. Secretary of State.

President Donald Trump fired Mr. Tillerson on Tuesday.

“Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State,” the U.S. President announced on Twitter. He will do a fantastic job!

“Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!”

Mr. Tillerson was in Nigeria as part of his first official visit to Africa.

During the visit, he spoke about the U.S. assistance to Nigeria in the fight against Boko Haram and the possibility of Nigeria securing loans from the U.S.

Reports in the U.S. media say Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Trump have had a bumpy relationship to the extent that the American President agreed to meet with North Korean leader without the knowledge of his administration’s chief diplomat.

Mr. Trump later addressed journalists on Tuesday saying he made the decision to sack Mr. Tillerson alone.

He, however, said he and Mr. Tillerson shared different views on some key global issues such as the Iran nuclear deal.

Mr. Trump wants to cancel the Iran deal which saw Iran abandon its nuclear ambition so as to get several sanctions lifted. Other partners to deal, such as the EU, however, want the Iran deal to remain.


Last modified on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 15:41

Most Russians intending to vote for Vladimir Putin in Sunday's election say stability is at the root of their faith in their candidate - though many young voters believe it's time for a change of leader.

Putin, 65, is expected to win a fourth term in office with 69 percent of the vote, according to the latest survey by a state-run pollster.

Reuters correspondents and photographers who travelled around the country talking to voters ahead of the March 18 election found nothing to contradict expectation of an emphatic Putin victory.

In Crimea, participating in a Russian presidential election for the first time since the territory was annexed from Ukraine in 2014, engineer Andrei Lukinykh said Putin was the only candidate who could provide stability in tough times.

"As the saying goes, you don't change your horses mid-stream. Unlike the others, my candidate can provide the stability that's needed," Lukinykh said.

For Muscovite student Yulia Dyuzheva, economic progress during Putin's 17 years in office won him her vote.

"As a representative of the younger generation, I can say that for us, young Russians, all the doors are open. Everyone is able to grab the opportunities presented and make the most of themselves, in whatever town or region," Dyuzheva said.

But others believe Russia is ready for a change.

Accountant Natalia Dementieva, also from Moscow, said she was casting a vote for TV personality Ksenia Sobchak - one of seven other candidates - because she supported more freedoms.

"(Ksenia Sobchak) speaks the truth, openly. She doesn't lie. She raises issues which are taboo under our government."

"The next generation to rule this country were born between 1982 and 1987. There's a lot of them and they don't remember what it was like in the Soviet Union. So they're less afraid."

Sobchak is expected to garner 2 percent of the vote, according to a March 9 poll by the state-run Russian Public Opinion Research Centre.

That's less than the 3 percent who plan to stay at home, some of whom may be heeding opposition leader Alexei Navalny's call to boycott the vote after he was barred from being on the ballot.

From the Communist Party, wealthy farm boss Pavel Grudinin, 57, is set for a stronger showing, at 7 percent.

For Alexei Gruk, a mechanic from St Petersburg, voting for the Communist Party sends the signal that things need to change at home, but he wants Russia's foreign policy to stay the same.

"To hell with the sanctions," Gruk said. "So what if they don't bring foreign stuff here anymore? As if that means we have to give in. I don't care."

Nationalist firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a veteran lawmaker, is expected to garner 5 percent of votes, according to latest polls, while liberal economist Grigory Yavlinsky should receive 1 percent.


Last modified on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 09:35

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has called on the National Assembly and other stakeholders to expedite action on the bill to establish the National Electoral Offences Commission/Tribunal ahead of the 2019 general elections.

This is just as the Commission said it recorded 1,080 cases of electoral offences arising from the 2015 general elections and subsequent bye-elections.

He  stated that 124 of the cases were filed and 60 convictions secured in various courts across the country.

INEC Chairman Prof Mahmood Yakubu broke the news yesterday in a memorandum he submitted to the Senate joint committee on INEC and the Judiciary.


Yakubu expressed dismay that reports of the Electoral Reform Committee (the Uwais Report) 2008, and the Post-election Violence (Lemu Report) 2011 have been left to gather dusts on the shelves.

According to the INEC chair, the two reports had recommended the establishment of the Electoral Offences Commission/Tribunal to address all forms of electoral violence and impunity that have continued to undermine the stability of the nation’s electoral democracy.

Yakubu bemoaned the fact that though it has the powers to prosecute, INEC lacked the powers to effect the arrest of electoral offenders, a situation he said, has continued to hamper effective prosecution of offenders.

He said: “While the Uwais Report was transmitted by the executive to the National Assembly in 2010, the White Paper on recommendations of the Lemu Report directed the Office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minster of Justice to take steps towards the establishment of the Electoral Offences Tribunal.

“Nearly a decade later, there has been no legislative action on these aspects of the recommendations of the Uwais and Lemu reports, making the present effort by the Senate and the concurrent effort by the House of Representatives a welcome development.

“The failure to systematically and consistently enforce sanctions has encouraged impunity and the violence that often characterised electoral contest in Nigeria, thereby subverting the will of the people and undermining the nation’s electoral democracy.


“At present, INEC is saddled with the responsibility of prosecuting electoral offender. Section 150(1) and (2) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended) empowered INEC prosecute electoral offenders through its legal officers or any legal practitioner appointed by it without the powers to arrest and investigate thus depending on the police for this purpose.

“Without the capacity to make arrest and investigate violations, the prosecutorial role is severely hampered. INEC cannot effectively focus on this role given its other variegated responsibilities under the Constitution  and the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended)”.

Chairman of the Senate committee on INEC, Senator Suleiman Nazif noted that over the years, statistics showed that the various electoral offences and crimes orchestrated by politicians have cast shadows over the nation’s electoral process.

“Subsequently, due to human dynamics, crimes and offences of election tend to evolve. Therefore, we must look beyond the usual offences and into new trends of wider social electoral offences and crimes that have evaded justice for too long’’Senator Nazif said.,


The Nation 

The United States Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, on Monday described the Boko Haram sect as a threat to other regions.

He also said US was collaborating with the Nigerian authorities in their efforts to rescue the schoolgirls abducted in Dapchi, Yobe State, recently.


Tillerson said this at a press conference he addressed alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, after a meeting he had with President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

He said, “I think it is also important to put this in a broad regional context as well. Boko Haram is a threat to other regions and this has been the subject of my meetings elsewhere and in Africa as well.

“In my discussion with President Derby in Chad earlier today (Monday), we spoke about the threat of  Boko Haram and I think it is important and it’s really been powerful.

“The collaboration between the joint task force which Nigeria is a part and Chad is a part, to respond to this threat of terrorism which Boko Haram is one of the organisations, there are other threats that the leadership of this country has to deal with.”

When asked the specific ways the US would assist Nigeria to rescue the abducted girls, Tillerson said the US respected the responsibilities of the government of Nigeria and the territorial integrity of the country.

That notwithstanding, he said the US government was supporting Nigeria, by providing capacity building with equipment and also training of the personnel of special operations and sharing intelligence to ensure that they had all the information available to carry out the recovery effort.

“So, the United States is ready to engage and coordinate efforts as well. But we have been supporting, equipping, training and when we can, provide information.

“I think that is the best way we have been helping the government of Nigeria to secure the release of the girls, which we hope, will be done in a peaceful manner.


“We hope that something can be worked out and they can secure the release of these girls quickly,” he said.

When asked why he advised African countries against Chinese loans, Tillerson clarified that his intention was not to stop Chinese investments from flowing to countries that need those investments.

He said he only cautioned the countries to look carefully, “that the implications of the level of debts, the terms of the debts, and whether the arrangements around the local financing are in fact creating jobs, local capacity or the projects being carried out by foreign labour being brought to your country, is the structure of the financing such that you will always be in control of your infrastructure?

“Are there mechanism to deal with the faults so that you do not lose ownership of your own assets? These are national assets whether they are ports, railways, or major highways.”

Tillerson said he had seen this occurred in other countries that were not so careful and “they got themselves in situation where they awfully  lost control of their infrastructure, lost the ownership and the operational relationship of it.

“And that is the precaution that we are talking about. That there are international rules and norms and financial structure to deal with unforeseen circumstances and I think we are just cautioning countries to look carefully.

“There are other alternative financing mechanisms that are available and I think in particular, if the government creates the right conditions around those infrastructures investments, there are also great potential for public-private sector co-investing in the infrastructure. And we are developing mechanism that will also create alternative opportunities financing offer.

“We have seen many around the world that did not work out so well and we are just saying as friends, be careful.”

Onyeama said everything was being done to secure the release of the Dapchi girls.

The minister said, “Fighting terrorism is a new challenge globally. When we talked of having  degraded Boko Haram, we were referring specifically to the situation that we were confronted with when the government took over.

“That was a situation where you had a classical military confrontation and Boko Haram was capturing territory, holding onto territory and hoisting flags. So, as a conventional military threat, Boko Haram has been completely degraded.

“Now, there is a challenge with regards to sporadic suicides and bombings and of course largely, there is kidnapping of the girls.

“We don’t by any stretch of the imagination minimise those but it’s really a different kind of warfare as it is and the government is sparing no effort in addressing that.”

When asked why things seem to be getting worse despite the collaboration with the task force and the US, Onyeama said that was not correct.



House  Speaker Yakubu Dogara, has decried difficulties faced by Nigerians in accessing bank loans.

Dogara, made this known in his keynote address at a public presentation/launch of a book: Banking Reform in Nigeria  yesterday in Abuja.

He said  Nigerians were discouraged in managing their businesses as a result of their inability to access loans from banks.

” I have had cause to say this before, that unless you have assets or equipment, there is no way you can take loan, or access loans from Nigerian banks to do business.


“If you are not careful in taking loans from Nigerian banks, one will just end up in the poverty gap.

“I don’t think our citizens are supposed to do their businesses with money they already have in their pockets. Businesses elsewhere are executed by loans from the banking industry in those countries.

“I don’t know why the interest rate in Nigeria is so high. What is it that we can do to lower it so that our young entrepreneurs can risk taking money from our financial institutions in order to realise their dreams.

“That has been the challenge, from the point of view of the Executive down to the Parliament, the political will to address this has not been there,” Dogara said.

He therefore, called on all stakeholders to join hands in ensuring improved banking institutions for better development.

“And the answer has always been that just one opinion cannot solve the issue, all hands need to work at it.

The author of the book and a member of the House of Representatives Bode Ayorinde (Ondo-APC), said the whole essence of the book “is to improve the economy by making funds available at a better pricing for the development of the economy.

“What we are saying about reforming the banking industry basically is to expand financial inclusion and adjust the pricing of our lending.

“Seriously, as an author, l believe that the pricing of our lending is on the high side and is one of the major reasons for non performing loans,’’ he said.

One of the book reviewers, Mr Bismark Rewane, Managing Director, Financial Derivatives, advised that interest rates should be reduced as advised by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He emphasised that the reduction in the rate was necessary in order to encourage small scale businesses and revive moribund industries.


The Nation 

The Senate has warned the Independent National Electoral Commission against being misguided on the extent of the powers of the National Assembly in the amendment to the Electoral Act 2010.

The Senate President, Bukola Saraki, while declaring open a public hearing on the bill seeking to establish the National Electoral Offences Commission on Monday, made reference to the controversy generated by the recent amendment to Section 25 of the Electoral Act, which seeks to re-order the sequence of polls during the general elections.


INEC had expressed its intention to challenge the amendment in court but later made a U-turn.

Speaking at the hearing conducted by the Senate’s Joint Committee on INEC; and Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters, Saraki stated that the National Assembly had powers to legislate over the electoral body and other agencies of government.

Saraki, who was represented by the Deputy Majority Leader, Senator Bala Ibn Na’Allah, also pointed out that the lawmakers could not be involved in any legislation that would violate the constitution.

“Of recent, there have been arguments on who has power to do what,” he said, adding that Nigeria had a lot of people who knew how to go to court to get all kinds of judgments.

“INEC should be cautious of who it is listening to. We would not sit anywhere this constitution will be violated. It is necessary we caution ourselves. We need this country, we love this country,” Saraki said.

The Senate President also decried that some political aspirants and parties were already campaigning when INEC had yet to declare electioneering open.

He said, “The Senate in particular would be very worried, if INEC begins to condone the actions of some political parties. You have not declared campaigns open, and some are already campaigning.”


Saraki asked INEC to exercise its powers and sanction such persons or parties.

The Chairman of INEC, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, in his presentation to the committee, disclosed that the electoral umpire currently had about 1,080 cases in courts relating to the 2015 general elections.

He added that the commission had received 124 case files of electoral offenders from the police, out of which 60 had been prosecuted.

Yakubu, who expressed support for the establishment of the Electoral Offences Commission, stated that INEC could not effectively prosecute electoral offenders and focus on its enormous responsibilities simultaneously.

The electoral body’s tasks, he said, included registration and regulation of political parties as well as monitoring of parties’ congresses and finances.

The INEC boss, however, noted that the Secretary of the NEOC should be appointed by the commission and not by the President as being proposed.

He also warned against appointment of ex-officio members, while calling for a proper definition of “electoral offences.”



Vice President Yemi Osinbajo yesterday decried the low impact of commercial banks on the citizenry with no fewer than 40 per cent of the people under-banked.

He spoke at the public presentation of the book “Banking Reform in Nigeria: the Law, the Prospects and the Challenges’’ written by a member House of Representatives Bode Ayorinde, in Abuja.

”It is perhaps accurate to say that for most Nigerians, banks have not really significantly impacted their lives or livelihoods. First, the under-banked population is said to be in the order of about 40 per cent, which means that a significant number do not even have access to banking facilities let alone banking products of any kind. The majority of those who have bank accounts for a variety of reasons are not able to access personal loans, mortgage or business loans. This explains why financial inclusion has gained inclusive currency and resonance in the past few years.’’

According to Osinbajo, depositors give their hard-earned funds to the banks at single-digit interest rate but cannot get anything less than double-digits when they seek the same funds for their businesses or mortgages for homes. He noted that the practice occurred against the backdrop of what seemed to be regular declarations of hefty profits by banks. The Vice President stated that the issue was not just about safe keeping of funds especially for the poor and those in the rural areas.

He said everyone should have access to financial products designed for low income earners as well as for the SMEs. Osinbajo stated that when the administration started the conditional cash transfer scheme for the poor it experienced the banking problems first hand.


The Nation 

Last modified on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 06:34

The National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Prince Uche Secondus, said yesterday that the purported nomination of Gombe State Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo, as the presidential candidate of the party was not true.

Secondus made this known while briefing newsmen in Dutse, the Jigawa State capital after a rally of the party.


He said even though he was not in attendance at the Gombe meeting, no such decision was taken by PDP governors and other party leaders in attendance.

On why himself and Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike did not attend the Gombe meeting where the alleged endorsement was sealed,  Secondus said he was indisposed and that it was not only the Rivers governor that was absent.

There were suggestions that some PDP governors were rooting for Dankwambo as their preferred presidential candidate.

“Though I was not in Gombe meeting, it was false, don’t listen to APC false propaganda. There was no such nomination. I was not in attendance because I went for medicals, I am a human being; most governors were absent not only my governor,” he said.



Governor Samuel Ortom on Monday welcomed President Muhammadu Buhari to Benue State for the first time since assuming power in 2015.

Ortom in a thought-provoking speech told the president that his people were tired of burying dead bodies, pleading that he should find a lasting panacea to the menace.


His full speech below:

On behalf of the Government and good people of Benue State, I welcome the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari to Benue State, the Food Basket of the Nation. As a helpless child in trouble looks forward to the rescue by a father, so the people of Benue looked forward to seeing you. Welcome sir. Benue people have always believed in you which is why we voted massively for you in the 2015 General Elections.

You are our father and we appreciate your visit here in the hope that our lingering challenges will be over. You are known as a man of integrity and uprightness and you have always fought for justice.

Your Excellency, on January 11, 2018, we buried 73 citizens, including women and children. All of them were brutally slaughtered in their sleep by armed herdsmen in the early hours of the New Year 2018. At least 65 more have been killed in Guma and Logo Local Government Areas after the mass burial. Just a few days ago, 26 of our men, women and children in Okpokwu Local Government Area were killed. Also over 5,000 people were displaced in Mbatoho Community in Makurdi Local Government Area. Attacks by armed herdsmen have continued in various communities in the State leading to the displacement of over 170,000 people. More than 60 percent of this figure are children who have been forced out of school. These and many others now live in the eight Internally Displaced People’s Camps scattered across the State namely: Abagana, Daudu1 and 2, Gbajimba, Tse Ginde, Anyiin, Abeda and Ugba. Their homes and farms have also been destroyed and taken over by armed herdsmen.


Mr. President, thank you for your response to these attacks. You quickly directed the Inspector General of Police to relocate to Benue and stop the killings. Issues of capacity and integrity may have accounted for the disobedience of your orders but you responded swiftly. At your directives, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) also distributed some Relief Materials to the IDP Camps. Given the enormity of the situation, this was like a drop in the ocean. Thank you for the deployment of the Police Special Forces which proved useful in reducing the attacks. Some of the gallant Police and Civil Defence Officers paid the supreme price in trying to keep the peace. Our sympathies go to their families and loved ones.

Your Excellency, we plead with you to take steps to reduce the suffering of the over 170,000 of our countrymen in the Eight Internally Displaced Camps. The Federal Government should compensate them and assist in the rebuilding of their homes as promised by the Committee on Displaced People headed by the Vice President. The Primary and Secondary Schools, Churches and Health Centres destroyed in several communities should be rebuilt for use again.

When I was sworn in May, 2015, one of the first things our Administration did was to organize an Amnesty Programme for youths who had armed themselves and were creating some security challenges in the State. The Amnesty was done in the open and over 700 weapons and thousands of ammunitions were returned. The Presidential Committee on Small Arms and Light Weapons and the United Nations contracted the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) of South Africa to supervise the destruction of weapons and ammunitions surrendered by the over 900 persons under the Programme. The Amnesty Programme was our own way of telling everyone that we cannot condone lawlessness in the State. We set out to reform our youths and stabilize our rural areas as we promote agriculture. Our conviction is that the formation of militia does not bring peace. It only promotes lawlessness, impunity and instability. We have also eliminated thuggery in our Government. The challenge we have however, is about Terwase Akwaza, alias Ghana, the notorious gang leader who has been terrorizing Benue and Taraba States. He has been declared wanted and a bounty of N50 million has been placed for information on him. We hope that Exercise Ayem Akpatuma or its upgraded version will help us arrest and bring him to justice. Indeed we request that the exercise be upgraded to an operation with the capacity to chase away the invaders so that those who have been displaced can return to their homes.

Although concerted attacks on communities in the State commenced in 2011, between 2013-2017, Forty-Seven attacks were recorded and over 1,878 men, women and children were slaughtered in cold blood across 14 Local Government Areas of the State. Another 750 were seriously wounded while 200 were missing. Over 99,427 households were affected. We have lost an average of 47% of Internally Generated Revenues due to attacks by armed herdsmen in the State. This underscores the problem between herdsmen and farmers. It was clear to us that increased population, shrinking arable land, global warming and desertification as well as the need to diversify the economy through farming, all make open grazing unattractive.


Through consultations and research, we discovered that the global best practice for animal husbandry is Ranching. Top countries in the global cattle business such as India, Brazil, USA, South Africa; Kenya and Zimbabwe, are known to practice ranching. It takes proper care of Livestock to ensure quality meat and dairy products and minimizes cattle rustling. Your Excellency, this is the logic behind our popular Law, “Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment Law, 2017”. I urge anyone who has a superior method other than Ranching to bring it to the table. The Law duly passed by the Benue State House of Assembly reflects the wishes of the Benue people.

On 30th May, 2017, the Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore in a ‘World Press Conference’ held in Abuja, opposed the Ranching Law. They called on Fulani herders in all of West Africa to come into Benue to help them reclaim their land. In the same vein, Miyetti Allah Cattle Herders Association in their Press Conference declared that more blood will flow in Benue if the Ranching Law is not rescinded. Your Excellency, as a President that supports the Rule of Law, you will most certainly be offended by these Hate Speeches that may have crossed the red line. Your Excellency, how can a group claim responsibility for the killings that happened and are going about scot free? How can a group make public these inciting and criminal declarations in an organized society and are not arrested by the Police? Your Excellency, kindly order the immediate arrest and prosecution of the leadership of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore and Miyetti Cattle Breeders Association for carrying out their threats to attack Benue on account of the Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment Law, 2017.

Recent Security Reports before Your Excellency, indicate that the Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA) are accomplices in the massacres in Benue State. If these Reports on Benue and other parts of the country are true, they have enormous implications for national security. There may be a need to strengthen the enforcement of the ECOWAS Protocol by directing the Nigeria Immigration Service to do the needful.

Your Excellency, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not good time to tell you about our spectacular achievements in the area of education where over 711 Schools have been renovated and 16,000 Teachers retrained. We need not recount strides in the Health Sector where the moribund Schools of Nursing and Midwifery as well as College of Health Technology Agasha earlier closed down have been renovated, accredited and reopened. After 12 years instead of the normal 6 years in MedicalSchool, we graduated 152 students of the Benue State University Medical School. We wish to appreciate the partnership between Federal Government and our State in the area of Sustainable Development Goals as well as Universal Basic Education. We have empowered youth and women through effective collaboration with Central Bank of Nigeria and Bank of Industry. We have massive rural development in terms of rural roads, rural electrifications, bridges and Skills Acquisition Centers. We have also completed various projects in the areas of Water and Sanitation.

Your Excellency, to reduce the burden of the State Government, we ask you to take over the running of some institutions in Benue State. We plead that the Federal Government takes over Benue State University Teaching Hospital. Benue State is the only State that does not have a Federal College of Education and Federal Polytechnic. We request the take-over of the College of Education, Katsina-Ala and Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo by the Federal Government.

We also plead with you to direct the rehabilitation and dualization of Makurdi – Otukpo – Enugu Road; Makurdi – Gboko – Katsina-Ala Road and Gboko – Vandeikya – Obudu Road that are each in a terrible state of disrepair. The Makurdi – Agasha – Wukari Road will ease our communication with Taraba and Plateau States and a Bridge at Buruku on River Katsina-Ala will link other parts of the State and Taraba. These have large population of the State that is engaged in farming that has turned Benueinto the Food Basket of the Nation.

The people of Benue identify with the reconciliation efforts by Senator Ahmed Tinubu who is carrying out your mandate. The Benue people also appreciates Mr. President for the appointments made from the State, we still hope that more appointments will be made so as to cement the relationship between Mr. President, the Party and the State.

The issue of backlog of Salaries remains intractable. Part of the problem of Salaries was inherited from the past Government. In spite of your efforts with Bailout Funds and Paris Club Refunds which we appreciate, the challenge still remains due to the high wage bill in the average of N7.8billion which we inherited. We request for a grant or soft loan to be able to pay the arrears even as we have taken steps to stabilize regular salary payment with effect from January this year.

Your Excellency let me conclude by calling on the Federal Government and States, to support and promote the Ranching Law, so that together, we will stamp out the menace of herdsmen and farmers attacks and cattle rustling in Nigeria. There is no known better and credible alternative to Ranching.

Once again, welcome to Benue State.

