

Last week Forty-four (44) African countries signed on to the controversial African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Nigeria, the continent’s biggest economy under the legitimate pressures of stakeholders notable Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and MAN (Manufacturers Association of Nigeria) commendably pulled out on Tuesday, 21st of March. 

AfCFTA is the Africa’s version of European Union’s Treaty of Rome (signed by member-countries some 60 years ago!). Paradoxically the Europeans had plagiarized the vision of the late Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana who in his historic speech at the founding of OAU (AU) in 1963 had envisioned a common African market and indeed a United States of Africa! African trade agreement came into being at the 10th Ordinary Session of African Union Heads of State summit held in Rwandan capital, Kigali on Wednesday 22nd. 

President Muhammadu Buhari said  (and I agreed)   that while “Nigeria fully recognizes & appreciates the efforts of the African Union Commission so far, regarding the implementation of a sustainable Continental Free Trade Agreement(CFTA) for Africa”. It is nonetheless, “widening and deepening domestic consultations on the CFTA, to ensure that all concerns are respectfully addressed.  African Free trade agreement must Fairly and Equitably represent the interest of Nigeria, and indeed, her African brothers and sisters,” Buhari added.  

The continental trade deal is a fallout of the  Agenda 2063 of the A.U founded on the principles of national ownership and mass consultations with all African stakeholders. Given the last minute cancellation of Nigeria’s delegation to Kigali, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Okechukwu Enelamah owes all Nigerian stakeholders the explanations while a continental trade deal with impact on investment,  jobs, Labour and human rights was rushed through the Federal Executive  Council (FEC) without the mandatory consultations with relevant stakeholders. 

All African leaders must show the proof that  AfCFTA is not another top-down deal signed behind the legitimate aspirations of African peoples for a common wealth, not just common market. AfCFTA enthusiasts say it is the world’s largest free trade area “since the World Trade Organization which was formed in 1995!” And that is the first problem! 

The  uncritical  membership of World Trade Organization (WTO) of most African countries including Nigeria in the 1990s with attendant massive lowering of tariffs through wholesale trade liberalization arrested the nascent African manufacturing and development leading to massive collapse of labour intensive industries like textile and automobile due to unfair competition. 

How would AfCFTA foster African re-industrialization process and uplift millions out of income poverty is a critical question begging for answer. There is no doubt that Africa needs intra-trade rather than external Aid and loans and unfavorable trade with Europe, America and China. Trade between African countries is miserably relatively low. It accounts for only 10% of all commerce on the continent - compared with 25% in south-east Asia. 

With One African Market, undoubtedly, the agreement brings together 1.2 billion people (almost population of India or China) with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $2 trillion! The host and current African Union (A.U.) president, Paul Kagame said: “This agreement is about trade in goods and services”. But only producing nations trade in goods. 

The painful truth is that by and large, this is not a producing Africa, the likes of Nkrumah envisioned. On the contrary, Africa is a dumping ground for imports of all types and exporters of raw materials in the tradition of the colonial economy. Only South Africa with 25 per cent manufacturing value added qualifies as a trading nation. Nigeria’s 20 percent manufacturing value added (MVA) of the 80s has sharply fallen to less than 5 percent. 

While intra-African Trade can bring economic benefits to member states, there should be   broad consultation and participation to avoid the pit-falls of past trade agreements. Trade, (sorry fair trade!) is the means to development, not the end itself. Therefore   any genuine trade pact must necessarily foster growth, create mass decent jobs and development. 

For Nigeria to further reduce import duties to 90 percent, as envisaged by ACFTA will fuel cheaper imports smuggled goods that would overrun domestic markets of local products. Domestic high production costs have undermined competitiveness, perpetuating in turn deindustrialisation, unemployment and income poverty. What are the implications of the ACFTA, for existing ECOWAS treaty, and its notorious Common External tariff (CET) and the contentious new-colonial Economic Partnership for Africa (EPA)? President Buhari must initiate a trade summit and its impact on job creations. Whatever the outcomes of such deliberation, ACFTA should allow Nigeria the domestic policy space such that the current policy objectives of job creation and industrialization as contained in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (EPRG) and Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) are not jeopardized. 

Twice beaten by WTO and bilateral trade deals of dubious values, Africa must be endlessly shy of new trade deals. With Donald Trump’s America damning globalization and Europe, China and America in trade wars, AU must do quality and quantity control of ACFTA’s clauses. Most African countries are neo-colonial dumping grounds. With Brexit and Britain’s desperation for market outlets, ACFTA must show that it is not another route to European products labeled “made in Africa”. Common market must also go with common labour and human standards. EU, which ACFTA belatedly apes, operates on respect for labour and human rights. Paul Kagame emphasizes trade in goods and services.

What about the workers that produce the goods. Are they humans with minimum pay and trade unions or slaves without voices? What about the movement of Africans and their rules of engagements? ACFTA should incorporate the ILO standards and African human rights charter. 

Federal Government must be weary of trade pacts which are domestic industry-decent job blind. With 50 per cent open unemployment in Nigeria, development and growth should take precedence before controversial trade deals. Economic development of Africa is work in progress not just an event of a televised ratification of trade deals. 

Issa Aremu, mni

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Last modified on Monday, 26 March 2018 05:49

Below is an interesting whatsapp conversation between two friends, on the presidential aspiration of Fela Durotoye. Sit calmly. Read through. It may prove enlightening.
Gold: "Fela Durotoye is the best presidential aspirant we've ever had. But I'm scared he may not win the next election. Either way, that's the man I'm voting for. That's the Nigerian president of my dream. If you don't know about this great man, just check Google. Let engineers build. Let Physicians heal. But most of all, let true leaders lead"

Sola: "What particularly makes Fela suitable for Nigeria Sir? There is actually limited information about him on Google. He does not even own a Wikipedia page. Fela I have read is a successful motivational speaker. But I have equally learnt over the years, that while talk is cheap, dedication is expensive. Nigeria has proven to be a difficult country to govern. I personally will not recommend someone who has no background political experience for the foremost office in the land.

It is great Fela has shown ambition. It will at least help further our national political discourse and consciousness. While he can still be president, it's definitely not this time. And I think that may even be in the interest of Nigeria.

I want a presidential candidate with significant contribution to national development, preferably someone with a track record of excellence in our political arena. Fela clearly falls short of that. The presidency is a rather big game. We can't afford to play Lotto with it. We need someone who has been tested and can be trusted. Fela is hardly that man.

To close, even Nietzsche the philosopher said ' he who will learn to fly someday must first learn to stand and walk. You cannot fly into flying' that summarises my point. My case is rested"
Gold: "But you have been playing lotto all the while my friend. In the end, what I really want is a knowledgeable president, a young president that has the interest of the youths at hand. I know that sounds a little cliché. But 6 years ago, a book on academic excellence by this man changed my life. In that book, there was a vision for 2040.

I want a president who understands the importance of education. I'm tired of old men who simply purchase civilian attire, but wear their uniforms within let's stop recycling these people. Yes talk may be cheap. But in the mouth of these 'tested and trusted" politicians you speak of, it's actually worthless. Durotoye represents a new wave of young, ambitious technocrats. Truth is, we have never had such a leader in this country. I'm not expecting a magical transformation. However, I'll definitely pick someone with genuine interest in the education sector than another who has been shown to be more interested in rubbishing the opposing party.

One more thing you must realise is that the old generations, especially the former military heads of state have extremely nepotistic views. As long as those guys remain there, there will be favouritism. It is these behaviours that have caused Nigeria's intra-relationships to be strained. The new generation, perhaps thanks to the declining influence of tradition, is not affected by these views. In the very end, I want a Nigerian in Aso rock. Not a Yoruba, Hausa or IBO man.

If there was ever a young, educated, capable young man with genuine interest in Nigeria's growth, its Fela. I must add that the book I read was given to us free of charge. The quality of the printing was almost 4 times the cost of a normal book. It'll have easily sold for 3k. If a man can spend that much on his goals for Nigeria, he has my heart.

And yes, in 2013, he was part of the organisers of an impromptu contest between all major schools in lagos. The theme was ' the Nigeria of my dream' so you see, his contesting is not some suddenly aroused desire to hold political office. It’s been nurtured over time, Durotoye is prepared"
Sola: "Smiles. This debate is becoming interesting. You made some wrong assumptions in your submission. I'm not at all comparing Fela with the old establishment. I didn't even suggest any fitting candidate for the next election. All I'm saying is that Durotoye is by no means the dream Nigerian president like you portrayed. We don't even know our options for 2019 yet. But Durotoye offers nothing that should make the populace euphoric.

If the country has been playing Lotto all the while, you suggest we should still go down that lane with Durotoye? Is that the dream? Shouldn't we do something for a change? Besides you can't exactly call the last election Lotto. Buhari is a retired military general whose past government was known for intolerance for indiscipline and corruption
Because of his military background, we felt he perhaps would be able to tackle the menace of Boko Haram - which was the greatest challenge we faced as a nation then, better. So we had things to point to. There were precedents, even though he was also largely voted for due to animosity for Jonathan. He clearly was our best bet.

Since his election, though we've not achieved total victory, we've recorded huge success in the fight against Boko Haram, until the recent increase in attacks. But even at that, I think we've made progress. And though the anti corruption war is imperfect, it's not business as usual for the political establishment. Mind you, I'm not advocating for a rerun for Buhari. I want a new president. I'm just saying there's nothing inspiring about Durotoye, no previous record of excellence in public office, which is quite different from success in private life.

Being young is no recipe for good governance. Benjamin Netanyahu is not young. Angela Merkel is not young. Nana Akufo-Ado is not young. Your interest maybe in the youths, because theirs is the future, and you're a youth yourself, but how has Durotoye communicated his plans, even for the youths? Where are his blue prints for youth development? What creative solution is he proposing? What particularly makes Durotoye knowledgeable? It is important to note Sir; that emotions, sentiments, and polished diction, do not run governments. What creative solution is Durotoye proposing to revive the education sector? Which budgetary allocation does he intend to cut to fund education? Where does he intend to get funds?

It is even important to note that ours is a democracy and the president does not decide it all. Knowing that Durotoye has a weak political base, even if he becomes president, how much of power will he be able to wield? If as president he troubles the waters too much, I bet you he will be impeached. There are many Nigerian authors with immense impact. There are many philanthropists too. That does mean they'll make fine presidents. You have to understand that success is one aspect of life will not always translate to success in another. We can't vote Durotoye as president because you read a book by him that changed your life. What are his solutions to Nigeria?

You assume it is either Durotoye or retired generals. We don't even know our options for 2019 yet. But Durotoye may not even perform as well as those retired generals. I make bold to say a green president cannot solve Nigeria's problems. But that'll be another debate. I won't delve into that now. I'm not comparing Durotoye with the old establishment. I write of a dream president which I claim Durotoye is not. And please do not ask me of an example of such candidate, because I know no one. I'm only being hopeful. But don't paint Durotoye like he's an option with messianic tendency.

Interest or good intention is not enough. What are his plans to salvage the education sector? Are they feasible? Where will the funds come from? The new generation you speak of is not any better, if you've been following the conversations on social media. Our youths are equally very tribalistic. Remember the conversations around Nnamdi Kanu. Remember the hate speeches from many youths. Remember the tribal wars on twitter.

By the way, Obasanjo is one of the most detribalised Nigerians I know and he belongs to the old establishment. You may condemn his presidency, but you can never claim it was about Yoruba agenda. Obasanjo did not even enjoy so much support from the West. It was criticism day and night. Till today, when you see Obasanjo, despite his failings, he strikes you as a national rather than a Yoruba leader.
There are many philanthropists in Nigeria. At least Kola Daisi is in Ibadan. And he's even way above Fela. That does not mean he will make a fine president. I know you claim he wrote of goals in his book, but talk is cheap. Oration is not enough. Let's see the blue prints for development. Let's do the feasibility studies.

The crux of my argument is that while Fela may possess leadership potential, he needs to start small. Let's see him apply his principles with success in his locality, before giving him the national stage. Trust me public service, if genuine, is tough, even more so in Nigeria. Let's be sure Fela can chew slices of bread, before giving him the complete loaf.

Whoever will be successful as president needs to have planned over the years. He needs a strong political base, needs to understand the political terrain, and needs to have identified a team of disciples with similar interest. Buhari has at least taught us euphoria does not always translate to good governance.

We await the dream Nigerian president. Maybe you can even someday be the one. Maybe Durotoye can still be, but he is today, not that man. Please Sir above the sentiments and emotions, we need feasible plans. We need practicality. Durotoye? Not this time"

Gold: “I’m pondering on your message seriously. In the mean time, please read through this document (his manifesto)”
Sola: "Ok. Thanks for sharing"

To be continued

Adeyoose wrote from Ibadan.
He can be reached via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 18:05
Former Governor of Ogun State, Otunba (Engr.) Gbenga Daniel has said that Chief Idowu Sofola's death is a great loss to the Yoruba nation and Nigeria at large considering his patriotic zeal and tenacious passion for entrenchment of democracy in the country. 
Daniel, who  described the news of the deceased as shocking, stated that apart from making his mark as a shining light in the legal profession, Chief Sofola was a core nationalist who believed in a country of unity,  peace, justice and equity".  
"His immense contributions as the leader of Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) and passion for  a united Nigeria whatever the diversities made him a   worthy elder statesman and national icon", Daniel added.  
He said: “The last time I met him, he was his vivacious self and he talked a lot about the way forward through restructuring and true federalism. It is is a great pity that Papa left us at this crucial moment in the history of the country when his advice and experience are needed most. No doubt. We shall miss his wise counsel, candid opinion on issues, vision and progressive philosophy". 
He then commiserated with the good people of Ikenne-Remo, Ogun State and Nigerians in general on the demise of a great nationalist and an exceptional role model. 
Media Officer to HE. Otunba (Engr.) Gbenga Daniel.
Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 18:04

As the historic West African nation of Sierra Leone prepares for one of its most controversial electoral contests ever events preceding the scheduled run-off of its latest Presidential election suggest that the exercise might be bedeviled by unprecedented crises and controversies. 

For example on Wednesday, barely six days to the second round of the contest, the National Elections Commission (NEC} released a public statement in which it raised alarm over acts of intimidation that it alleged were being perpetrated against it by the security agencies, especially some units of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP). Knowledgeable observers say that a protest of this scale against the government’s own agencies by the NEC has never been recorded in Sierra Leone before. 

They attribute this situation to reaction by the ruling party to the outcome of the first leg of the election which saw the main opposition candidate the Sierra Leone Peoples Party’s (SLPP)  retired Brigadier General Julius Maada Bio emerge as front runner over the ruling All Peoples Congress’ (APC) candidate Samura Kamara.  

Typical of the allegations tendered by the NEC is the following paragraph; “In recent days however, the SLP has unwarrantedly entered NEC premises unannounced and at random, interrogated NEC staff, and obstructed them from performing their duties, In addition to delaying the time-sensitive work that is critical to the conduct of the presidential run-off election, the unsystematic and confrontational nature of these visits has served to intimidate some staff.” Coming at a time when the sensitive issues of regional sentiments and party loyalty are being marshaled for what is expected to be a close race between the contestants, the suggestion that the ruling party’s underdog status is probably being covertly supplanted by the use of official power is very provocative. 

In the recent past the consequence of political violence in Sierra Leone generated a total breakdown of law and order and led to the complete collapse of the state. The potential for a return to this distressing state of disorder is one eventuality that must occupy the minds of all observers of the present state of affairs in the country.  It was therefore not surprising that the new President of the ECOWAS Commission Jean Claude Kassi BROU led a delegation of officials to Freetown immediately after the statement was issued to discuss modalities for ensuring that the exercise would be carried out without disruption and on schedule.

Apart from the anxieties expressed by the managers of the NEC other events and signals arising in the run-up to the run-off should serve as a warning for all those who wish to ensure that the election does not descend into a destructive and inconclusive confrontation among unprincipled adversaries and supporters of dysfunctional conduct. An injunction that has been raised by a supporter of the ruling APC is actually seeking to have the courts halt the second round on the grounds that the NEC cannot be trusted to conduct a free and fair election. 

It is hardly to be doubted that if the ruling party’s candidate had been the front-runner this order would not have been sought by the plaintiff. Some analysts have suggested that this strategy is part of a concerted effort being mounted by supporters of the ruling party to provoke retaliation and protests on the part of the supporters of the SLPP. 

They say that given the widespread allegations of partisanship on the part of the security agencies they can then be used to intimidate and even disenfranchise those who protest any interference with their right of free association and assembly. Any such tactic will be bound to undermine the peaceful conduct of the run-off and so should be guarded against by the regional monitors, while the judiciary must be wary of being used to create instability. 

The danger signals that have emerged since the announcement of Julius Maada Bio as the front-runner in the first round of the elections include a sudden upsurge in vocal expressions of regional bias being uttered by some supporters of the ruling party’s candidate from the Northern Provinces. 

For example, they have suddenly revived some old and unproven allegations against Maada Bio of anti-Northern bias when he served as former military Head of State. Maada Bio has made noticeable inroads in some sections of the country that had been considered impregnable APC strongholds and this has apparently unsettled the party hierarchy and emboldened some of the political stalwarts who had expected incumbency to serve as a key asset to enable their victory in the first round. 

The outcome has clearly rattled their presumptions and led to them becoming almost desperate in their reaction to the results that have been announced.  The NEC has placed the nation on notice that it is hopeful of being allowed to conduct a contest that will be impeccable for its fairness and this open declaration of neutrality has apparently provoked anger rather than support from those who claim that they were instrumental in appointing the members of the Commission. As a result, the mood in Sierra Leone as the historic second round contest approaches is one of anxiety and apprehension and all of West Africa is watching that nation with bated breath. 

Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 10:10

Former militant warlord, Alhaji Mujahid Asari-Dokubo, has denounced the call for a restructured Nigeria, saying the country was better destroyed as an entity.

Speaking at the South-South mega rally of the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital on Saturday, the fiery ex-militant said God did not make a mistake by creating him an Ijaw man and not a Nigerian.

According to him, there’s nothing to restructure in Nigeria as it’s being propounded by the South West, the South East and the Middle Belt leaders, but a total disintegration of the forced conglomerate.

He said there was nothing to discuss about Nigeria, noting that of Chief Edwin Clark could be ignored in spite of his track records as an elder statesman by the northern oligarchs, who was he, Asari-Dokubo, to stand before them.

He opined that the only way is what the Holy Book says: “the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force,” and so the people from other regions should stand up against the tyranny and subjugation of the northern oligarchy to obtain their freedom.

The founder of the Niger Delta People’s Volunteer Force bemoaned a situation where “slaves are riding on horsebacks and princes are walking on foot,” as the irony that has befallen the southerners of the country.

“That is what describes us. My belief is this: when the enemies shall come in like a flood against us, we shall stand up together shoulder to shoulder, arms to arms and say finally “you cannot cross this line.”

Asari-Dokubo, however, stated that since the north would not subscribe to restructuring, in spite of its advantages, it cannot be railroaded into buying into the idea.

“Restructuring is good, but they say they don’t want restructuring. Are we going to beg them? No! So, for me, let us look for other options and the only option is (he switches over to Ijaw language).

“That’s the only way the Urhobos, the Itsekiris, the Ijaws, the Ibibios, the Biroms, the Tivs will become themselves again,” the former president of Ijaw Youths Council (IYC) enthused.

Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 07:41

It was most thoughtful of the United Nations (UN) to declare gender equality as the unfinished business of our time and to take the world through the history of the struggle.  The UN is calling the world’s attention to a fresh wave of women’s protests and direct action on social media, film sets, on the factory floor and in the streets asking for lasting change and the zero tolerance for sexual assault, harassment and discrimination.

The activism and advocacy of generations of women have been a tremendous success in diverse areas including the fact that there are more girls in school than ever before, and that women are doing paid work and in senior roles in the corporate world, in academia, in politics and in international organisations, including the UN.  Gender equality is enshrined in countless constitutions all over the world, harmful practices like the female genital mutilation, child marriages have been outlawed in many countries.  Yet the UN points out the many rivers to cross before the world arrives at the El Dorado of gender equality, given the historic power imbalances that have been at the root of the malignant cases of discrimination and exploitation of women.

Given the deeply entrenched interests of tradition, culture and religion against gender equality, it is indeed almost a miracle that women have progressed as far as they have.  The world must appreciate the contributions of the UN for its landmark conferences on action for equality, development and peace of which the 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference left indelible marks.  The Seoul Conference of 2005 was equally remarkable.  Indeed the world is anxiously waiting for the next world conference on women.  The last 25 years could, in a sense, be considered a quarter of century for women.

It is not just that there are many more girls in school in some societies; the girls outnumber the boys in schools in some parts of Nigeria.  In the United States, the women outnumber the men in post-graduate and doctoral programmes. 

In the area of politics, the success has been scanty but nonetheless remarkable.  Africa elected its first president in the person of Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf who served meritoriously as the President of Liberia and ended up joining a small circle of five former heads of state who won the prestigious Mo Ibrahim Prize for African Leadership.  Of course, Angela Merkel, the most powerful woman in the world, was re-elected a fourth time, the second post-war German Chancellor to be so honoured.  Mrs. Theresa May became the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the second woman so honoured.  Yet the first woman ever nominated by a major party in the United States, former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, won the plurality of the votes but lost the electoral votes and missed being US president by a hairline.  Her loss indicated that gender prejudices against female candidates still subsist even among women voters.

Nigeria has since 1999 elected scores of women as senators, deputy governors, members of the House of Representatives, and is positioning younger women who are daily proving that what men can do, women can do better.  We believe that Nigerian women would have done better in politics but for the financial wherewithal that seems to be lacking for now.  In addition to the economic handicaps, many Nigerian women are still sequestered in places, where they cannot even be seen let alone be heard.

In the work place, men work tirelessly and women work indefatigably, yet it is still sad to notice that even in most of the advanced economies, there is still no equal pay for equal work.  All the laws loudly proclaim there shall be no discrimination by reason of sex or gender.  Yet, in spite of decades of campaigns and education, we still have female genital mutilation, especially in the Nigerian hinterland where nondescript reasons are still adduced for that savagery.  On sexual assault and molestation, the UN is right that even when these acts of violence are reported, victims are made to feel as if they are responsible for their predicament.  However, there is hope in the new law recently enacted by the Lagos State Government, which has raised the punishment to 25 years imprisonment for rape convicts.  The rate at which victims are coming out to report the crime is also encouraging.

In spite of all the advances women have made in socio-economic sectors, their representation in politics still stands at below five per cent whereas they constitute almost 50 per cent of the Nigerian population.  This anomaly must be redressed by pushing for affirmative action aimed at the universal 35 per cent ratio as suggested by the United Nations, which has been adopted and, sometimes, exceeded in some African countries which, Rwanda is an example.  Nigeria should strive for gender equality not as a talking point but as a fundamental policy for development if the country must realise its full potentials.



Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, saturday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, played host to some parents of the Chibok girls, who are still kept in an undisclosed location by suspected members of the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist sect since their abduction from the Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, in July 2014.

The Chibok parents made up of 17 women and 13 men stormed the Abeokuta country home of the former Nigerian President to intercede on their behalf and plead with both the Federal government and the international community to expedite action for the release of the 112 children that are still being held captive by the terrorist sect.

The ex-President who received the distraught parents at the Green Legacy Resort within his Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Abeokuta, expressed confidence in President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration’s ability to rescue the remaining girls.

Citing Biblical passages from John:16:33 and James1:2, he admonished the parents not to despair any longer, preaching that God who does no evil understands their plight and is capable of bringing succour to them in no time.

Obasanjo also reminded them that as Christians, it should not be forgotten that they would experience tribulations and fiery trials in the world such as the one burdening them in the last four years now, and added that God who allowed it, also has a good purpose for it.

“I want to share with you some of my own thought about the sovereignty of God and what He can do. He is all-knowing, powerful and can do anything.

“I want to share some passages in the Bible. Some of the passages in the Bible have similar passages in the Holy Qur’an (John 16 vs 33). I have told you this that you may have peace and confidence in me, but in the world, you will have tribulations, trials and distress, and be undaunted for I have overcome the world.

“That is our Lord Jesus talking to his disciples and all of us who are Christians are Jesus disciples. Jesus did not say we will not have tribulations in the world, He said we will have tribulations, trials and distress. Our faith will be tested.

“Whatever God allows to happen, He allows it for a good purpose, to test our faith and it is in testing of our faith that our character is shaped and strengthened. I understand how you feel now, I understand your pain and your anguish, God never does evil; whatever happens is to strengthen and make us perfect,” he said.

Reading a prepared speech, one of the parents, Mr. Yakubu Nkeki, appealed to Obasanjo to “ginger” the Federal Government and world leaders to bring their “daughters back from captivity.”

Nkeki lamented that in about a month time, it would be four years a total of 276 Chibok school girls have been abducted, saying while 162 of them had been set free, while 112 others – who are their children, still remain with the terrorist sect.


Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 07:11

In the last couple of weeks, particularly in the last couple of days, I found myself asking the question: What is the value of human life in our dear country Nigeria? Anytime this question popped up in my mind, a part of me yelled out “nothing!” in righteous anger and frustration. But not surprisingly, this is the nagging question on the lips of many Nigerians. We are living in a frightening new reality where people’s lives mean nothing and can be taken at any time by another or others.

The Nigerian state is failing abysmally to perform the most important reason for its existence as a country with all the imprimatur of cohesive deterrence to maintain law, order and protect lives and properties. Some would say of what use is a country when it cannot protect its own people, or as others have put it, of what use is a government that cannot protect those on whose mandate it exercises that cohesive powers of the state?

Nigeria has literarily become a huge killing field for the marauding AK-47-wielding herdsmen whose modus operandi is the butchery of people who refuse to allow them (herdsmen) to graze their cattle on their farmlands. Men, women and children are killed and whole communities virtually razed to the ground. It has happened again and again with little or no response from those in authority. And arrests (if any) have not resulted in successful prosecution for such heinous crimes. It is simply unbelievable that this is happening and nothing serious is being done to put an end to it. Of course the herdsmen’s atrocities are complemented by several cartels of kidnappers and cultists whose ringleaders are well known. They no longer make even the faintest attempt at disguising their identities or trades or cover their tracks.

We are in the season of anomie as criminal groups carve out territories and zones for themselves where they ply their nefarious trade with reckless abandon. In many cases, they operate with the full knowledge of the law enforcement operatives and sometimes, a few yards away from the perimeter of police stations or even military barracks. Hapless Nigerians have become victims of both official inaction and collusion with criminal elements with a licence to kidnap and kill them at will.

The level of insecurity in the country has reached a precipitous point such that the ability and capacity of those in authority to deter and rein in the looming threat is now seriously called to question. It is either they do not understand that Nigeria is on a dangerous slide into anarchy under their watch, or they do but don’t care. Where is our DSS which should ordinarily monitor threats like this? Where is our military intelligence?

On New Year Day, some cultists killed 17 people in Omoku in Rivers state; a monarch and his wife were murdered in Kaduna; and in Benue, over 20 were killed by herdsmen protesting the state’s anti-grazing law.

And a further 73 were killed a few days later. As of June 2017, over 200 people were reportedly killed in Taraba in several attacks spanning weeks. The statistics of people killed by herdsmen on a state-by-state basis across the country since this government came to power are mind-boggling and unbelievable. And yet, the president has not deemed it necessary to say anything directly to Nigerians. All he does is to speak through his aides, directing “security agencies to apprehend the suspects”. Of course that is usually the end of it.

In 2015 when the herdsmen started to transform into blood-thirsty killers, no decisive action was taken against them. President Muhammadu Buhari even denied that it was Fulani herdsmen that were responsible for the attacks. He posited then that they were foreign herdsmen from other African countries coming into Nigeria because of our porous borders. Some people in the media picked up from there and ran with the narrative. Today, like all false narratives, that storyline has died a natural death. The truth of the story is no longer in dispute. Those who helped to sell that narrative now acknowledge that indeed, the killer herdsmen are largely from within.

Benue State has become Nigeria’s own Auschwitz, the amphitheatre of human carnage by killer herdsmen who by their utterances, regrettably value the life of a cow more than the life of a fellow human being. Now, how does one reason with people like these? How do you dialogue with people of this mindset? For the loss of a cow or cows, the killer herdsmen must kill as many people as they can? What a country!

Mr. President wants Benue people to accommodate their fellow Nigerians. I support that of course. But how do accommodate a person or people who willfully grazes his/their cattle on your farmland, destroys your crops and when you protest, he kills you and your family and burns down the community? How do you accommodate people who don’t want to be accommodated but instead, want your ancestral land and want to lord it over you and your community?

The Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II’s allegation that 800 Fulani were killed in Taraba last year is revealing. It appears to justify some of the killings going on. But that figure has been disputed by the Taraba State government as baseless and a figment of Sanusi’s imagination, stating further that 18 people died on both sides during the clashes. I am inclined to believe that 800 Fulani killed in one fell swoop would be stretching the facts to the breaking point. Such a huge number of deaths would not be easy to cover up. Besides, with the calibre of patrons of Miyetti Allah, the association of Fulani cattle breeders, as revealed by Emir Sanusi, all hell would have been broken loose had the deaths in such humongous numbers occurred.

Nigeria has become one giant example of a state that is failing on all fronts. It cannot guarantee any longer its own territorial integrity, security of lives and properties either from herdsmen, Boko Haram, or such other criminal elements like kidnappers, cultists and armed robbers. Boko Haram that was said to have been defeated, is daily besting our poorly remunerated soldiers in battle. Suicide attacks have become a near daily occurrence. There is turmoil everywhere as Nigeria is unraveling before our very eyes. We have never had it so bad. And those charged with the responsibility of protecting the homeland are fiddling. They are giving excuses and passing the buck on why they can’t act. They are rationalising and justifying the mass murder of innocent people. The  once  vociferousness human rights community against the misdeeds of other governments is surprisingly muted now. What was intolerable then to them has suddenly become tolerable now.

We have even witnessed the return of slavery and human trafficking on a grand scale. Nigerians are being sold in Libya like animals. Why is our leadership allowing its citizens to migrate into slavery? Why have they created the economic conditions that make migration to any country attractive to our young able-bodied workforce such that they don’t even mind going to a country like Libya that is without a government? Many of us have watched horrible videos of torture, abuse, sexual molestation, rape and violent killing of Nigerians by Libyans.

In South Africa, Nigerians are the first victims of social and economic discontent; and are being felled like chickens by gangs of South African youths and police. Yet there has not been a strong and determined response from Nigerian leaders who have shown their lack of desire or willingness to protect the people both within and outside our borders.

Many of our people in early middle age or younger are resigning from their jobs to relocate to the US and Canada in record numbers.

Yet in the face of this troubling decline of our country on all fronts, all our leaders are concerned with is politics of 2019.

Some governors who wouldn’t pay workers’ salaries like the Kogi State governor, Yahaya Bello are in the forefront of those begging Buhari to run for a second term whether he  deserves it or not. As the nation was mourning 73 innocent men, women and children hacked to death by herdsmen, some irresponsible governors went to the Villa purportedly to endorse Buhari for a second term.

Those involved in the endorsement were governors Abubakar Bello (Niger); Ibrahim Gaidam (Yobe); Yahaya Bello (Kogi); Abdullahi Ganduje (Kano); Nasir El-Rufai (Kaduna); Jibrilla Bindow (Adamawa) and Simon Lalong (Plateau).

Governor El-Rufai, who spoke to journalists as they emerged from the session with Buhari, said they remained committed to the president’s re-election bid and have no apologies to anyone. Recall that this same El-Rufai wrote a memo to Buhari in September 2016 lamenting the poor performance of his government. Here is an excerpt: “In very blunt terms, Mr. President, our APC administration has not only failed to manage expectations of a populace that expected overnight ‘change’ but has failed to deliver even mundane matters of governance outside of our successes in fighting Boko Haram insurgency and corruption.” It bears stating here that since he wrote that memo to Buhari, things have progressively gone from bad to worse. Despite the clear evidence of Buhari being a failed, out-of-touch leader, El-Rufai and Bello have gone ahead to pledge N50 million each towards the president’s yet-to-be-declared ambition. Even the successes El-Rufai alluded to in his 2016 memo have been significantly undermined by succeeding events since then. The terrorist sect that the president claimed to have defeated has proved to be a more potent force by its near daily attacks on innocent people. Right under this government’s nose, terrorists abducted 110 innocent schoolgirls from their school in Dapchi. While terrorists Fulani herdsmen are on a killing spree daily across the country.

On corruption, just read the Transparency International report. Before that, there was the NBS/UNODC Corruption Perception Report in 2017 and make your judgement whether the credit El-Rufai gave to Buhari in those two areas has not been severely undermined by events thereafter. Let me refresh your memory: there is the Mainagate which has seriously damaged this government’s credibility and the claim that they are fighting corruption.  What about the grass-cutting Babachir Lawal’s case? On that endless list is the GMD of NNPC, Maikanti Baru, who awarded contracts worth $25 billion without going through board approval or due process. Senator Aliyu Wammako’s committee was supposed to be investigating this matter. What has happened to that investigation?  There are so many more issues of corruption plaguing this government which el Rufai cannot pretend to be unaware of. So on what basis is he  rooting for Buhari who has clearly demonstrated a lack of capacity to govern?

His Plateau State counterpart, Solomon Lalong displayed his sadistic pleasure and dark humanity at the plight of Benue people when he gleefully crowed that he warned the Benue State governor over the Anti-Open Grazing Law enacted by the state legislature. Though he later apologised, but not before he had shown his remarkable lack of appreciation of Pastor Martin Niemoller’s immortal poem – highlighting the cowardice of the German intellectuals following the Nazis’ rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The poem illustrates that when you tolerate tyranny against your neighbours because you were not affected, and fail to speak up, not too long down the road, it will be your turn. Here is an excerpt from the poem:  “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

 It is instructive that the killer herdsmen have since extended their fiesta of bloodletting to Lalong’s Plateau and Bello’s Kogi states, despite the latter voluntarily providing land for cattle colony for Fulani herdsmen to please the president. You see, this government told us that the Anti-Open Grazing Law was responsible for the attacks in Benue. Now, what is responsible for the attacks on Kogi people who are ready to “accommodate” strangers in their land? Shall we ask the Defence Minister, Mansur Dan-Ali just one question here: Were the routes designated for cattle blocked in Kogi? Kogi was the first state to volunteer land for colony. Why the killings there?  Bello, that disrespectful “juvenile” governor who rose to power with the votes of a dead man has proved to be an embarrassment to the Nigerian youth. He would do anything and say anything to please Buhari.  His expressed love for herdsmen is not enough to immune his state from their onslaught!

Again in mid-February, gunmen killed about 41 people at Birane village in Zurmi Local Government Area of Zamfara State. Just a few days after that massacre, 14 APC governors abandoned their duties, ran to Katsina where the president had gone on a brief visit, to beg him to seek re-election in 2019 because if does not, “Nigeria will disappear from the face of the earth”. They are struggling amongst themselves to demonstrate their love for Buhari, their hero, despite the pervading insecurity in the land. They are telling him that he alone can govern Nigeria despite the clear evidence  of  his ruinous reign. They care less about the future of Nigeria as long as their own is assured under Buhari.

Our governors have shown that they lack empathy for the people who voted for them and who are daily at the receiving end of the shocking  cruelty of our leaders. How can these people be this insensitive? The party in power has shown clearly that it is more interested in power than care about the security, safety and welfare of ordinary Nigerians.

Today, life is harsh and insecure under Buhari; worse than at any time in our history. Poverty, hunger and diseases have become our constant companion. Corruption and impunity remain at record levels. Nepotism, clannishness and bigotry have reached an unprecedented scale never before seen in our country. Despite, the obvious evidence, the APC governments at all levels have made lies and propaganda part of their stock-in-trade.

We have seen the hypocrisy that stalks our land; Nigerians have seen the perfidy and impunity of our preachers of change.  To those who are still willfully blind, I say   there is only one thing that is constant in life: Truth! It endures no matter how hard you try to suppress it. And as the saying goes in the land of my fathers, “You can’t go missing on a straight road.”

Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 07:08

The security agencies could do more to safeguard the people

Whether voluntary or induced, the return of the Dapchi school girls by their captors is a welcome development. While we rejoice with the families of the freed girls and commiserate with the families of those who lost their loved ones to the madness, we must also point out that the manner in which the whole episode was handled by the federal government raises several questions.

Even then, the authorities must interrogate the circumstances surrounding the death of five of the girls while everything must be done to ensure the return of the one still held back by Boko Haram on account of the refusal to renounce her Christian faith.

In disputing media reports that ransom was paid to secure the release of the girls, Information and Culture Minister, Alhaji Lai Mohammed said: “It is not true that we paid ransom for the release of the Dapchi girls, neither was there a prisoner swap to secure their release.

What happened was that the abduction itself was a breach of the ceasefire talks between the insurgents and the government, hence it became a moral burden on the abductors.”

The questions arising from that claim are many and some of them include: When did criminals, which we insist the Boko Haram insurgents are, start to develop ‘moral burden’? At what point did the federal government enter into a ceasefire agreement with Boko Haram and what is the nature of this ‘truce’ given the potentially explosive case of Leah Sharibu who was left behind with the insurgents? What terrorist gang will let go of over 100 girls without asking for anything in return?
If, as President Muhammadu Buhari and his officials repeatedly claim, Boko Haram has been ‘technically defeated’ and every inch of Nigerian territory restored under effective federal control, how come that these terrorists are still roaming freely unchallenged in the North East? Besides, it ought to concern the federal government that the motorcade of Boko Haram that returned the girls to Dapchi was hailed into and out of town by jubilant residents.

If there is anything that the current administration is yet to understand, it is that accountability in government is not just about dodgy book keeping or dishing out cheap propaganda. In informing citizens about issues of public good, government must be credible, sensible and minimally logical. In a democracy, the most unpardonable crime a government can commit is to insult the intelligence of the elite as this government has done several times. That explains why many Nigerians are cynical about the official version of what transpired in this sordid Dapchi saga.

While we give the federal government the benefit of the doubt on the claim that no money was paid Boko Haram to secure the release of the girls, we nonetheless state very clearly that appeasement and negotiation with terrorists as an official policy devalues the state. Once terrorists and their sponsors know they can easily arm-twist a government, they have a ready source of money with which to reinvest in new arms supplies for the next escapade.

In societies where governments negotiate and pay ransom for kidnapping, the insurgency label is not only a selling point for organised crime, it can also become self-perpetuating.

More disturbing is that repeated attacks on schools by the insurgents have created fear in many vulnerable students and their parents and is affecting the attitude to education with Boko Haram (whose guiding philosophy is ‘western education is sinful’) winning the psychological war.

So emboldened were the insurgents who returned the abducted Dapchi girls that they took time to lecture their parents never to send the children back to school. Yet, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), when children are denied opportunity for education “not only are their lives shattered, the future of the nation is stolen.”

While we urge a quick resolution of the Leah Sharibu dilemma, what the Dapchi tragedy has shown very clearly is that the insurgents still possess sufficient capacity to capture as many of our school girls as they want, which then means we have left our children at the mercy of violent predators who hide under the guise of Islamic religion to perpetrate evil.


Last modified on Sunday, 25 March 2018 07:06