Super User

Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:14

Timothy Weah, the son of former Paris Saint-Germain and AC Milan star, and current Liberian president, George Weah made his professional debut in the French club’s 2-0 win over Troyes on Saturday.

The US youth international, who only turned 18 last week, replaced Giovani Lo Celso for the final quarter hour after being named to the first-team squad for the first time.

“My name pushes me a little bit more because my father did very good things here. I want to do the same thing,” said Weah, who nearly scored a debut goal in stoppage time.

“Everything is going to be fine, soon I will start to score goals!”

Born in New York City, the teenager signed a professional deal with PSG last summer but has spent much of his time with the club’s reserve team in the fourth division.

“He’s a very young player but he works very hard. He played 15 minutes and had a good chance to score. He deserves it. It’s the first time, he needs to keep on working,” PSG coach Unai Emery said.

George Weah spent three successful and prolific seasons at PSG between 1992 and 1995, and remains the only African footballer to the win the Ballon d’Or award, in 1995.


Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:11

In those days when I believed I was ready to marry and needed to, at least, start a relationship, I met a lady I very much liked. But I wanted something more than chemistry. I was thinking of how we would complement each over a lifetime. Confused, I asked a friend, Kunle Kasumu, for insight. Though he himself was single, his counsel changed me forever. He spoke about “purpose”, taking inspiration from Myles Monroe. “A man is not born until he discovers purpose,” Kunle said. “When you discover your purpose in life, everything else you do must align with it, including choosing a life partner.” I wanted counsel on life partner but I got a big lesson on life itself.

Shannon Kaiser, an American bestselling author, puts it another way: “The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out what your purpose is.” A dictionary defines purpose as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” Truly, the chat with Kunle opened my eyes to the reasons behind some things I was doing, even though I was not really aware there was a theory, or principle behind them. Purpose. It has helped me stay within my lane in life. Purpose keeps you going in the face of distractions, storms, trials and temptations. You focus on where you are going. You do things to help you get there.

Interestingly, I actually went into journalism with a purpose — even if I wasn’t officially conscious of it when I was filling my JAMB form. Somehow, I had always believed journalism could be used to promote peace and development, help solve problems and celebrate what is working. That is what keeps me going, no matter the insults, threats, intimidation, blackmail and name-calling. I did not set out to please hate mongers and bigots. When all this is over and I go to meet my Maker, I want to be able to tell Him confidently: “Father, I did my best to use my journalism to heal wounds, build peace and solve problems. I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith.” That’s all I care about.

Sadly, each time I reflect on Nigeria’s underdevelopment, I always end up blaming it on politics without purpose. By “purpose”, I mean aiming for the greater good of society, not self. I hardly see passion propelled by purpose among our politicians. I have engaged in fierce arguments with some very knowledgeable people who insist that the followers, not the leaders, should be blamed — because they collect rice to sell their votes and get the kind of leaders they deserve. Fair enough. But this assumes that the voter has the clairvoyance or expertise to know who is going to perform in office. Politicians come with inducements and promises. Blaming the victims is never my thing.

All said and done, I am yet to discover any country that was developed by leadership without purpose. The day I find an example, I will apologise to my readers and change my stand. For now, I will go with my position that development is a product of purpose-driven leadership. I have not excluded the role of followers, of course. Everybody has a role to play. But people are called leaders for a reason. People are elected or appointed to do a job. There is a reason the dog wags the tail and not the other way round. There is a reason a bus has a driver. There is a reason that leaders, not followers, make policies and laws —and implement them.

As the 2019 elections draw near, I have been imagining things. Posters. Jingles. Slogans. Rallies. Permutations. Promises. Intrigues. Politics is here with us again! It is as if we were created for elections. We live for times like these. The ecstasy is out of this world. We do this every four years. But a few months after inauguration, we return to square one: weeping and wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth. Then we look forward to the next election so that we can “vote out” bad leaders and “vote in” new ones. It goes on and on and on. And Nigeria remains essentially the same. That means there is something we are not getting right. Some dots are simply not connecting.

In my series on “mindsets”, here is another take: we play politics without purpose in Nigeria. Without purpose, we cannot even begin to have a vision. Purpose precedes visioning. Purpose shapes visioning. If you discover purpose, you can develop vision. I think every Nigerian politician needs to answer this question honestly: what is my purpose in politics? You can say the sweet things on TV, radio, newspapers, posters and social media. You can muster the sound bites and conjure all the rhymes and alliterations. But unto thyself, be honest: why are you in politics? To solve problems? To help make Nigeria great? Lie to everyone else but be honest to yourself.

In truth, how many Nigerian politicians actually know the real purpose of politics? How many even understand public purpose at all? I have this funny suspicion that the typical Nigerian politician thinks the purpose of politics is to become a demigod and begin to enjoy the sirens, the Land Cruiser Prados, the power games, the adulation, the girls, the Banana Islands, the Cayman Islands, the private jets, the yachts and such like. When they read stuffs like “the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government” in the constitution, they just can’t understand. It is all Greek to them. Occupying government position, they think, is licence for lucre.

Unfortunately, when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable — in the words of Monroe, who died in 2015. We should not be surprised at the pervasive abuse of office and the resultant gross underdevelopment of Nigeria. As long as the politicians do not have a proper perspective of politics, the instruments they ought to use for the advancement of society will be tools of self-aggrandizement and oppression in their hands. It’s like handing a gun to a rogue police officer — he will turn it into an implement of extortion, tyranny and murder. Give the same gun to a responsible officer and he will die defending the people. Politics without purpose breeds abuse of office.

Here is my point today. If the Nigerian politician had the right motive and motivation in politics, when a banker comes and says, “Your Excellency, add N2 billion to that contract and I will help you keep it”, he would reply: “So kind of you, but that can build a few roads.” When the lawyer comes along and whispers, “I can help you buy property abroad in my name,” he would reply: “Good stuff, but there is serious housing shortage in my state.” When the corporate guru proposes, “You can buy a private jet and register it in my name,” he would reply: “Lovely, but that money can improve mass transit in the city, don’t you think so?” That is purpose-driven leadership at work.

If public purpose is at work, all the budgeting, oversight and lawmaking by the legislature since 1999 would have propelled Nigeria to a higher level on the development plane. But you and I know that when the lawmakers say they want to hold “public hearing” or pay “oversight” visit, the motive of the huffing and puffing is hardly pure. It is more of intimidation, blackmail and extortion than anything for the greater good of the society. Mind you, it can be well packaged, and they can speak the perfect words in the chamber, but those who know the inside story will just be laughing off their heads at a corner. If our lawmakers love accountability so much, Nigeria would be paradise today!

Those just joining politics (or public service) need to ask themselves sincerely: what is my purpose? Am I entering politics for the right purpose? Those already inside should ask themselves honestly: what have I been doing here? Am I fulfilling purpose or just having an all-expense paid fun? The good news is that it is never too late to discover your purpose. That you have wasted years in office without purpose is not the end. You can rethink and reboot. When you discover purpose, you begin to live life meaningfully. You will realise that public office is not about accumulating wealth and getting worshipped. Politics is not for oppression, repression and exploitation.

My friends have been asking me lately: Simon, where do you belong? And that is exactly the problem: we think the solution to our problem is where we belong, who we support or who we are going to vote or campaign for. But our problems are deeper than that, deeper than the excitement of permutations and elections. How can our politics become politics of purpose? That is the real challenge facing us and that is what I think we should be really concerned about. Until we develop new mindsets about how the society should be run, we will continue to go round and round in a vicious circle. The end product is always predictable: despair and disappointment.




We spend over N1 trillion on the security agencies every year, in case you don’t know, and yet Nigerians are among the least secure in the world. Meanwhile, the police and the army are trading blame on the kidnap of 110 Dapchi girls. Those Boko Haram guys must be laughing at us. The open confrontation between security agencies under President Muhammadu Buhari is the worst I have seen in my life. Reports are suggesting that the kidnapped schoolgirls have been taken across the border — in spite of the presence of police, customs, immigration, civil defence, DSS and military guys all over the place. Can you beat that? We need our heads examined in this country. Incredible.


While some people are still waiting for “fiscal federalism”, “true federalism”, “state police” and “we the people” perfect constitution, it is gladdening to note that some states are already showing what can be done under the current “military” constitution. Lagos and Kano states, two of the country’s biggest economies, have just signed an MoU for economic partnership and to jointly explore investment opportunities aimed at creating jobs and facilitating growth and development. Lagos and Kebbi are already co-operating on Lake Rice. Some people can only see problems, while others are seeing opportunities. He that observes the wind will not sow. Or reap. Word.


The best official response to Nigeria’s declining fortune in the corruption perception index was delivered by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo at an event organised by the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption (PACAC) and the ministry of justice on Tuesday. He analysed the report and pointed out that it was just on one of the indices that Nigeria dropped and it affected the overall ranking. It is a wake-up call, he said. Compare this to the spurious allegation that the ranking was influenced by former President Obasanjo and Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili — who are board members of Transparency International. Laughable.


President Muhammadu Buhari’s son, Yusuf, is back on his feet after his horrendous motorbike accident in December 2017. I am happy for him and his family for the great escape. A lot has been said about the state of our medical facilities, but he received the first, critical treatment here in Nigeria before he was flown to Germany for “finishing touches”. And this is then my argument: government must at least make sure our hospitals are good enough to be the first port of call, good enough to preserve life. Those who can afford foreign treatment are lucky, but most Nigerians cannot afford it and they too deserve the right to live. Basic.

Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:08

The reported story of Chief Olusegun Okikiola Obasanjo’s ‘coup’ against the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) at the public presentation of Senator Ahmadu Ali’s Biography, on Thursday, 1st March, 2018 at the Yar’Adua Centre in Abuja, undoubtedly presents Chief Obasanjo as an incurable patriot, who is simply wrapped up in the need for a glorified, powerful, independent, and non-subservient Nigeria, completely free from political chicanery. The story not only shows the goodness in patriotism and nationalism, but also the limitations, impact and implications for foreign policy in international politics and relations.

At the book launch of Senator Ali were many distinguished guests, including General Yakubu Gowon and Obasanjo. Senator Ali and General Obasanjo served illustriously under General Yakubu Gowon as Head of State. In fact, Obasanjo took over from the then Colonel Benjamin Adekunle as Commander of the Third Marine Commando during Nigeria’s war of national unity.

Magnus Eze, in his report on what transpired at the book launch, especially as to how Chief Obasanjo conspired in vain with Senator Ali to evict the USAID from its present location at the beginning of Broad street in the Tafawa Balewa Square area of Lagos, quoted Obasanjo as follows: “Ahmadu Ali had been appointed Director of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and he needed an office; one being occupied by the American Embassy had been identified. That office was too close to the Cabinet Office, it had been what we talked about, complained about and even requested the Americans to vacate and be given an alternative office. So, I and Ali conspired that we will remove the Americans.”

It is useful to note at this juncture the place of conspiracy as jointly planned by Obasanjo and Ali. First, as we shall show below, General Gowon never knew that Ali was part of the conspiracy until the day of the book presentation. It was only Obasanjo that was scolded but not seriously sanctioned because he was then considered a good boy, a good patriot. Secondly, the reason for the conspiracy was not, on the facial level, the need for an office for the new Director of the NYSC, Senator Ali, but the fact of nearness of the office of the USAID to the Cabinet Office which the duo did not want but which they wrongly believed could be relocated with a military fiat under a military regime, and without due regard to international law and diplomacy.

As further reported by Magnus Eze, Obasanjo declared as follows: “I belonged to the Nigerian Army Corps of Engineers and had military men under my command, Ahmadu had no military men. I had to be used or should I say I had to concur by performing the task and I made it a military operation. By 4.00 am, soldiers had surrounded the office and by the time the Americans were arriving for work, they were not allowed to go inside.”

What again should be noted from this quotation is that it is not clear why Obasanjo acted without authorisation from his immediate boss and why, if he had the support of his boss, he was the only one to be scolded. As reported, Obasanjo took advantage of his position as commander to act unilaterally and this factor of unilateralism cannot but be a resultant of patriotism. Perhaps, what is most interesting about the so-called coup is that Obasanjo later realised that he had acted much in ignorance of the diplomatic consequences.

As he reportedly put it: “I didn’t realise the diplomatic implications. Then the Americans violently protested and it was reported to the Commander-in-Chief, General Gowon, and I was carpeted, tongue-lashed and thoroughly washed down.” General Gowon admitted that he and the Chief of Staff, General David Ejoor, “really dressed him (Obasanjo) down, because he exactly started a very serious diplomatic incident.”

Without any scintilla of doubt, General Obasanjo was not only wrong to have breached diplomatic protocol, but his wrongness cannot be as praiseworthy as his patriotic disposition in the matter. In fact, if it was true that the Americans ‘violently’ protested, that again, cannot be compatible with the status of the USAID as a representative diplomatic institution in Nigeria. The protocolar procedure was first to lodge official complain and not to protest violently. General Gowon was right in carpeting General Obasanjo in order to avoid a diplomatic row with the United States, one of the two super powers in the world by that time.

In essence, the import of the foregoing for political and good governance in general is that the expression of patriotism is good, particularly in international relations, but it has to be done within its limitations. It is because nationalists often carried the protection of their national interests to the detriment of those of other states that global insecurity persists. They not only adopt the strategy of aggressive deterrence, but also manipulatively use the United Nations to adopt sanctions against perceived enemy countries. The resultant effect is that countries that are also asserting sovereign equality become hardened and more hardened to the extent of non-preparedness to dance to the tunes of the UNSC anymore. This is why a Third World War is looming.

Patriotism in International Politics
Patriotism is a major dynamic of both international development and global insecurity. At the level of international development, for instance, US President Donald Trump came up last week with a proposed higher tariffs on steel and aluminium imports and a theory of goodness in ‘Trade Wars’ in order to stop US economic deficits and insolvencies. In the words of Donald Trump, on Friday, 2nd March, “When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore – we win big. It’s easy.”

More significant, one research report from the Gowling in the United States has shown that the US now is the biggest protectionist country in the world. As noted by Gowling, the US has adopted 1,085 more protectionist measures more than liberalising ones since 2009. As a result of this statement, many countries have been reacting and raising different questions on how to respond. Mike Jakeman has argued that ‘the number of people, who work in steel consumption (who will suffer because of higher prices) is much greater the number that works in steel production (who will benefit) from Donald Trump’s trade war.

Thus, this is apparently one of the ways Donald Trump wants to make America great again, but this does not, and should not prevent any other sovereign state from also engaging in adoption of protectionist policies. And this is why, for instance, the European Commission has to respond by way of regret: “We regret President Trump’s decision to impose a tariff on all aluminium imports independent of their country of origin. European aluminium exports to the US, in view of both their quantity and characteristics, do not pose any threat to US national security. Most importantly, this blanket tariff does not address the root cause of the main challenges faced by the aluminium industry today: the unsustainable and steady increase of aluminium overcapacities in China.”

Additionally, the Director General of European Aluminium, Gerd Göotz, says “This global challenge can only be managed effectively through a global and long-term solution based on multilateral rules and common enforcement such as creation of a Global Aluminium Forum within G-20.”

What is clear from both the trade war policy of Donald Trump and the international reactions to it is the quest to advance and protect the national interest, which is largely driven by patriotism at the individual level and by nationalism at the collective level. Indeed, many advanced countries of the world owed their advancement status to patriotism at the level of their citizens. However, when patriotism is carried excessively to the detriment of the protection of the interests of other countries, international security is necessarily threatened. When attention is not promptly taken on the threats, a crisis is created and when again this is not well attended to, the crisis degenerates to a conflict and ultimately to war, cold or hot. The cases of the controversies over North Korean nuclear tests and the devastations that have come to characterise the war in Syria are noteworthy. The case of North Korea is particularly noteworthy because it appears to be currently the most critical dynamic of whether or not there will be another World War.

North Korea is currently the main foreign policy preoccupation of the nuclear powers and the developed world as at today. At the level of Sino-North Korean relations, China wants to maintain North Korea as a security buffer zone against any US security threats. This explains in part China’s anger and hostility to the United States new sanctions against North Korea. Donald Trump said the sanctions are the ‘largest ever.’ The sanctions do target one person, 27 companies and 28 ships registered in China and seven other countries.

Apart from China being the closest traditional ally of North Korea, Chinese interests are thus at stake. It is normal to therefore expect Chinese Foreign Ministry to resolutely oppose and to demand that the US immediately lift the sanctions in order to avoid harming bilateral relations in the relevant area. Already, China’s trade with North Korea reportedly fell to its lowest ebb in January 2018, thus suggesting that China has been maintaining pressure on North Korea, but that this has not deterred North Korea’s increasing quest for a nuclear power status.

Russia is also another ally of North Korea. Like China, Russia has territorial disputes with Japan, which enjoys special relationship with the US. Japan, up till this day, has not signed the treaty ending World War II and is aspiring, with the support of the United States, to become one of the new permanent members of the UNSC.
Essentially because of national security interests, Japan and the United States have a tripartite agreement with South Korea, aimed at monitoring and containing North Korea. In opposition to this, Russia has been sustaining its own relations with North Korea, particularly from the perspective of its implications for Syria. Naturally, France and the United Kingdom are in the alliance orbit of the United States. So, their opposition to North Korea is understandable.

The point being made so far is that patriotism generates an attitudinal disposition that antagonises, not only the national interests of others, but also international norms and tradition. It necessarily breaches the basic principles of international diplomatic practice, as revealed by the case of Chief Obasanjo above. It also threatens global security.

North Korea and Global Peace
The main critical threat to global peace, as noted above, is North Korea. The threat is not about its nuclear threats per se. It is not even about its proliferation policy which is against some international conventions. The threat is more about the internally perceived threats to the security survival of North Korea. In the eyes of North Korea, the United States is the major threat. It is the enemy. For as long as this perception persists, there cannot be any good way of influencing North Korea to denuclearise, especially in light of the truth that, grosso modo, powerful countries respect international law when it is convenient.

Currently, the whole world is made to condemn North Korea’s export of nuclear materials (acid-resistant tiles, valves, and thermometers which are needed for making chemical weapons) to Syria. North Korea argues that it does not want to be taken unawares the way the American-led Western world dealt with Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and others, and therefore, considering the need to be armed fully to the teeth.

North Korea may not be faulted if we consider the reality of international politics. For instance, on the specific crisis in Syria, the UNSC, on Saturday, 24th February, called for a 30-day ceasefire in Syria but no one showed readiness to respect the call. Iran says the resolution does not apply to parts of Damascus and its suburbs currently held by terrorists. In the same vein, Turkey says it also does not affect its offensive against the Kurdist fighters in Syria’s north-western AFRIN. The Assad government says the offensive of its government is against the terrorists.

Even though the opposition elements in Syria posit that the arguments of both the government of Syria and others were nothing more than a pretext, because only a few hundreds of fighters are in the enclave, the critical point is that all those engaged in fighting are acting on the basis of patriotism and nationalism.
In fact, North Korea also argues that all countries of the world do have the right to decide the precise level of defensive capacity they want without any iota of interference and aggressive deterrence. The main rationale for this reasoning is that some powerful countries have already acquired the nuclear power status and these countries do not want other countries to acquire the same, in the belief that other countries cannot be reliable in terms of ensuring nuclear non-proliferation.

Additionally, a new Cold War is emerging. China is gradually preparing to take over the mantle of global leadership from the United States. Russia is also seriously making efforts to revisit the aftermath of glasnost and perestroika, and by extension and so doing, also re-affirming the super power status of Russia. Thus, China, Russia, and the US are currently in a stiff competition for world leadership.

It should not be quickly forgotten, at this juncture, that Russia was on the side of the United States when initial attacks were to be launched against President Assad. By then, US-Russia emphasis was first to defeat the terrorists. When Syria opted to settle more than 3 billion US dollars owed to Russia, it did not take time before Russia re-strategised and made it clear to the United States not to do anything without first securing its own consent. That was how Russia hurriedly became an opposition to the US in the Syrian crisis.

In the same vein, North Korea became frontally another opposition to the US in joint opposition with Russia to the US. This is simply because North Korea believes it has the right to survival and security like the powerful countries and should not be dictated to on what to do on security measures.

The implication for peace is that, if for whatever reasons North Korea is provoked, and true enough North Korea wants to be provoked because it considers it has now been pushed to the wall, and considering that whoever is already on the floor does not have any other place to fall down to, North Korea is always ready to damn the consequences of its nuclear policy.

In the event of unacceptable provocation, North Korea can respond with nuclear arms without regret. If the US does not want North Korea to acquire nuclear capability that can threaten US territory, but wants to maintain its own nuclear superiority and capacity to project its own nuclear missiles up to the territory of North Korea, there will be urgent need to address the root causes of North Korea’s intransigence.

In this regard, the international community must first address the quest for re-unification of the two Koreas in the same way that of the West and East Germany was facilitated. Second, it has also become a desideratum to allow North Korea to join officiously the nuclear club, since it has successfully launched nuclear missiles and tested nuclear bombs. North Korea is acting on the basis of patriotic nationalism. It also wants to make itself great in the comity of nations in the manner of Donald Trump making America great again. In fact, there is nothing wrong if Nigeria aspires to become the first nuclear power in Africa, for Africa, and in protection of Africa’s interests.

Nuclear non-proliferation is politics. North Korea has come of nuclear age. The international community, rather than seeking to provoke a new global war, that will be nuclear technology-driven, and which no country of the world can control in an exclusive capacity, it is better to quickly nip it in the bud within the framework of the apparent new Cold War between Russia and China, on the one hand, and the US and its allies, on the other. A stitch in time, it is said, saves nine. This is necessary because where the nationalism and patriotism of one country stops, that of other countries begin. Consequently, there are always limitations to patriotism and nationalism in international relations.

In conclusion, therefore, national patriotism must never be allowed to the detriment of the interests of other countries. Doing so enables order and counter-order to reign and the outcome cannot but be a situation of counter-order and disorder.

Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:07

Prof. Amos Sawyer, Head of the ECOWAS’ 55-member Election Observation Mission has appealed to Sierra Leone’s political actors and stakeholders to cooperate and ensure that all outstanding political and legal issues are resolved peaceful so as not to jeopardise the smooth conduct of the country’s crucial March 7 presidential, parliamentary and local council polls.

“These elections should be seen in the wider and broader context of advancing peace and stability in Sierra Leone and the ECOWAS region,” the Head of Mission said in Freetown on Saturday 3rd March after a meeting with the leadership of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), part of his continuing engagement with stakeholders ahead of the elections.

The major pre-election issues, which outcome could impact the elections, are the dual citizenship case involving two of the 16 presidential candidates pending and the restriction of vehicular movement in the District headquarter Towns on Election Day. There are three cases before the Supreme Court for determination.

Political and legal experts have expressed concern that the success of the March 7 elections could depend on mature handling of the court cases, especially those on the presidential candidature. Under the Sierra Leone constitution, a political party whose candidate is disqualified has seven days to produce a replacement.

Given that the elections are in a few days’ time, either going ahead with the polls or a postponement has a cost and credibility implications on the elections.

Consequently, Prof. Sawyer has continued to preach peace and the need for prompt resolution of the issues at meetings with the stakeholders, including the outgoing President Ernest Bai Koroma, the Chief Justice and members of the Supreme Court Bench, as well as Sierra Leone Police leadership and the NEC.

“Sierra Leone has come a long way from its civil war and what is required is the collective efforts by the citizens, the government, security agencies, the judiciary, civil society and the media to take the country to the next level,” declared the former Interim President of Liberia.

This is against the background of the fact that electoral disputes have triggered many a political conflict in the region and the continent resulting in huge human and financial losses and untold humanitarian catastrophe.

At the meeting with Prof. Sawyer, the NEC Chairman Mohamed N'fah-Alie Conteh assured that “on the whole, given the level of preparations, the Commission is confident that the elections will go well.”

He thanked ECOWAS, the ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commissions (ECONEC) and development partners for supporting the electoral process.

Before the deployment of observers, in line with its mandate to support member States holding elections, ECOWAS has also provided financial support after undertaking a pre-election fact-finding mission to Sierra Leone, and led a Joint ECOWAS/AU/UN High-Level Mission with the purpose of ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page for credible elections and peaceful transfer of political power in the country.

Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, President of ECONEC governing board and Chair of the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC), Nigeria also led a Needs Assessment Mission to Sierra Leone in 2017, which resulted in the pledge of logistical support by Nigeria, towards ensuring successful March 7 elections and the consolidation of peace and democracy in the country.

Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:05

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has emerged as the arrowhead of a plot to coalesce all opposition parties and groups for the purpose of dislodging the All Progressives Congress (APC) from power in next year’s elections.

The party is already reaching out to such opposition parties and groups, The Nation gathered authoritatively yesterday.

Many power brokers across the land are said to be in support of the move.

“There is not going to be a divided opposition against APC. All opposition parties will coalesce to fight APC in 2019,” a highly placed source familiar with the plan said last night.

“We have discovered that unless we sink our differences and slug it out with APC, which is a common enemy, we cannot unseat the ruling party or defeat President Muhammadu Buhari in 2019,” the source said.

The PDP, he added, will not underrate the battle ahead, hence its determination “to reclaim power at the first ballot.”

Continuing, he said: “There are many talks/ discussions at various levels on the way forward for Nigeria in 2019, especially how to defeat APC.

“Some of these talks are at the level that people do not think about.”

Reminded about the exit of some PDP leaders to the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the source claimed that the SDP “cannot stand alone.”

He was confident that the PDP and SDP would “work together at the end of the day. So, we will all end up under the same roof.

“By the time we come out stronger, the battle would have been half won by the opposition.”

Meanwhile, fresh facts emerged yesterday on why some founding fathers like Prof. Jerry Gana and Prof. Tunde Adeniran left PDP for SDP.

A top source in PDP said: “We were aware that they were just aggrieved because their candidate did not win the chairmanship election at the National Convention of our party.

“They had been in control of the PDP and used to determine its affairs for a long time.

“They used to be in charge and they could not imagine themselves not calling the shots anymore.

“We are not bothered because some of those who defected from PDP to SDP have not even won councillorship seat or any election since 1999.

“They have been living on PDP like parasites. They have benefited from the party and they have dumped the party that has shot up their profile.”

Ex-Information Minister Jerry Gana and ex-Education Minister Tunde Adeniran are among the first set of PDP stalwarts to quit the PDP for the SDP.

The rest include  a former Military Administrator of Katsina State, Sen. Joseph Akaagerger; Chief Mike Oghiadhome, who is  a former Chief of Staff to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan; ex-Governor Saminu Turaki of Jigawa State; and ex-Minister of Defence, Dr. Olu Agunloye and a former Deputy Speaker of Ondo State House of Assembly, Dare Emiola.

Also teaming up with SDP are a former member of the House of Representatives, Dr. Junaid Mohammed; Sen. Bassey Ewa Hensaw;  a member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Olamide Oni; Supo Shonibare (South-West Zonal chairman of SDP), Dipo Olaitan (a former leader of the Alliance for Democracy in the House of Representatives); a former Speaker, Oyo State House of Assembly, Kehinde Ayoola;  Amb. Yemi Farounbi; leaders of the Middle Belt Forum; Mr. John Dara; the leaders  of the National Intervention Forum led by Dr. Tafawa Balewa; and  Amb Bejide; Shehu Gabam.

The SDP and the Gana-led team from the PDP on Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together.

Jointly signed by Falae (for SDP) and Prof. Gana (for Movement for a New Political Order), the MoU reads in part: “Whereas on the 12th Day of February 2018, a joint resolution was adopted at Sheraton Hotel Abuja, for working together to ensure the emergence of a new and credible political order to deepen democracy, good governance and genuine development, with peace, security and social justice. The said meeting also unanimously resolved to build:

  1. a) a restructured, balanced equitable and truly functional Nigerian Federation:
  2. b) a humane ,free, self-reliant and democratic society;
  3. c) a dynamic, productive, transformed and sustainable economy;
  4. D) a just, fair, egalitarian and peaceful nation
  5. e) a land of bright and full of opportunities for all Nigerians; and
  6. f) a national culture of raising good leaders through effective mentoring;

“Whereas, it was also agreed that the proposed movement shall be directed,  driven and defined by such core values as:  1). Justice, fairness, equity and progress;  2). Democracy, good leadership, good governance and sustainable development; 3). Transparency, integrity, truth and honour; 4). Accountability and zero tolerance for corruption; 5). Respect for human dignity, human rights and sanctity of human life;; and 6). Peace, security, harmony,  cooperative solidarity, within the rule of law; and 7). International cooperation for a common humanity within a secure and peaceful order.

” Whereas, the movement further resolved to be inspired and motivated by the ideals of social democracy, with great emphasis on:  the triumph of social justice; the  nobility of human dignity; the  harmony of fairness and equality; the power of working together in solidarity; the excellence of good governance, driven by good leadership; the wisdom of reforms and transformation far beyond mere growth; the horror of poverty, demanding eradication; the dignity of prosperity; the imperative of democracy and the security of peace with justice

“Whereas with due reference to these objectives, core values, and ideals, a Strategy Committee was mandated to search for a suitable, popular, meaningful and widespread platform, with a name that already resonates with the people and to make appropriate recommendations; and

“Whereas, the Strategic Committee, comprising representatives from all the six geopolitical zones of the Federation, have met  and submitted their report, unanimously recommending the adoption  of  Social Democratic Party(SDP) vehicle by the movement for a new political order:

“Therefore, we hereby resolutely agree to: (a) Fuse together into one political form; (b) adopt the Social Democratic Party(SDP) as the political vehicle for the fused political formation; (c) Convene a non-elective convention for Saturday, 14th April, 2018; (d) authorize the National Working Committee to serve as the Interim Management Committee until the said convention;  Set up a National Steering Committee of 12 members to guide the Interim Management  Committee during the transition period; Raise a Constitution Review Committee to consider all necessary amendments to the party constitution.”

Dr. Mohammed, speaking on the arrangement said: “Those involved in SDP are the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP), Peoples Salvation Party (PSP), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and some elements of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). It was like a merger but we do not want to call it so because the All Progressives Congress (APC) has destroyed the concept of merger.

“I am an optimist. I believe SDP will make a great impact. The main reason I want to be associated with it is because it is ideologically driven. Even it was not ideologically driven before it has to be ideologically driven.”

A top source in the SDP said: “The SDP has been approached by the Coalition for Nigeria Movement (CNM) which has been founded by ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo. We are hopeful that our ongoing talks will be fruitful.

“We share common ideals with the CNM on how to move the nation forward.”


The Nation 

Sunday, 04 March 2018 07:01

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is to enter into strategic partnership with the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) for an effective distribution of materials and personnel ahead of next year’s elections.

The INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Ebonyi State, Prof Godswill Obioma,  at a meeting attended by representatives of   the 29 branches of the NURTW and INEC  officials   in Abakaliki yesterday described transportation as a critical component of election involving timely movement of INEC personnel and electoral materials.

He lauded the union for the previous partnership with the commission in the area of transport arrangements.

“It becomes pertinent that adequate transportation arrangements are made to ensure that INEC officials and materials are moved to designated election centres on time,” Obioma said.

He said the meeting was in line with the directives  from the commission’s national headquarters that state offices of INEC should hold meetings with its  strategic partners on election planning.

The REC told members of the NURTW that the meeting was to enable the commission embark on early transportation planning.

He said that the initiative would also help the commission to overcome avoidable mobility challenges.

Obioma said that the meeting was a follow up to an earlier meeting held between the commission and the union.

“The main purpose of this meeting is to start planning early the transportation arrangements and it is also a follow up to the meeting held last month.

“We made some far reaching resolutions during the last meeting and it becomes even more urgent to partner with your union in making transportation arrangement now that our headquarters has given us orders to do so.

“We were told to go back and meet with our stakeholders in various aspects to begin arrangements in earnest for the elections.

“We have just met with the committee in charge of security called the Inter Agency Consultative Committee in Electoral Security,” he said.

Obioma explained that they had used the opportunity availed by the meeting to lay out strategic plans for security.

He said, “The Commissioner of Police is the chairman and REC is the co-chairman.”

The REC said that a nine-man joint sub-committee to work out the modalities for effective engagement of the transporters would be constituted at the end of the meeting.

He commended the union for attending the meeting and reassured its members of the  commitment of the commission aimed at  sustaining  existing cordial relationship between it and NURTW.

Obioma also restated the commitment of the electoral body to conduct credible, free and fair elections in Ebonyi in 2019.

The state chairman of the NURTW, Chief Oko Ewa, said the union would support the commission to succeed in the areas of transportation.

Ewa, represented by the state secretary, Mr Sunday Ebude, said that NURTW would respect the partnership arrangement.


The Nation 

Sunday, 04 March 2018 06:58

President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday led top government officials, diplomatic corps and business tycoons to witness the marriage ceremony of Fatima (Baby) Ganduje and Idris Ajimobi, daughter and son of governors of Kano and Oyo states.

Twenty two governors, Senate President Bukola Saraki and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Asiwaju Bola Tinubu also witnessed the solemnisation.

Nasir El-Rufai (Kaduna), Akunwunmi Ambode,(Lagos)  Rauf Aregbesola , (Osun), Abdulaziz Yari, (Zamfara), Mohammadu Abubakar Badaru, (Jigawa), Kassim Shettima, (Borno), Abiola Ajimobi, (Oyo), Ibikunle Amosu,( Ogun), Rochas Okorocha, (Imo) and Yahaya Bello (Kogi) among others

Buhari, who stood as guardian to Fatima, received a dowry of N50, 000 from national leader of the APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, who played the role of the guardian to Idris.

Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, joined the couple at the Kano Central Mosque where the marriage rites was performed.

A large crowd thronged the Mosque to witness what has been described by many as a ‘marriage of national unity.’

Sanusi admonished the couple and urged them to live together according to the tenets of Islam.

The marriage was solemnised at exactly 12:30 pm by Sanusi assisted by Chief Imam of the mosque, Professor Sani Zarhadeen.

The emir said marriage is religious injunction which all believers must respect.

According to him: Allah has directed all Muslim adult who is gainfully employed or has a means of livelihood to marry a woman he loves and the two start up their home in love and harmony.”

The Emir also advised the couple to live together in peace as each of them has roles to play in the family to make it a success.

A colorful grand reception held at the Government House where guests were treated to different types of dishes, traditional songs and dance.

The event held under tight security as security men had hectic time controlling the surging crowd that besieged the Kano Central Mosque and Government House.

However, pick pockets had a field day as hundreds of people lost phones and money, including an agent of the Department of State Services (DSS) attached to Aso Rock.

He was dispossessed of his handset and other valuables to his chagrin.


The Nation 

Saturday, 03 March 2018 15:18


On a note justifying the haplessness of the Nigerian military in the face of intractable insurgency, President Buhari, on a note of surrender, quipped at the APC NEC that "no country, however well secured, can prevent isolated acts of terror as we have seen in America, Europe, Asia and here in Africa". The truth however, from our experiences with Boko Haram and its equally deadly herdsmen cousins, is that their acts of terror on Nigerians are neither isolated in terms of frequency, or territorial domination.

If anything, this declaration of force majeure by the president is the final sealing of the hopes of Nigerians, of possible salvation from terrorism, especially the excruciating experiences of bombing and abduction of children. Most insensitively, neither Mr President nor the ensuing communique thereafter, spared a word of consolation or hope for the abducted 110 girls of Dapchi and their agonising parents, at this meeting of the High Command of the APC and its legitimacy-kwashokored government .

In a most insensitive manner, every major massacre, seems to provide a platform for APC and its goons to celebrate and demonstrate their love for the President in his bloody journey to 2019.

Within 48 hours of the Benue massacre and mass internment, some APC governors, in competition with one another, converged on Kaduna, and not minding the fresh tears from the killings in the southern part of Kaduna itself, to show solidarity and declare support for Buhari's second term.

Not long thereafter, as the nation mourned the Zamfara massacre, where scores of innocent people fell to the herdsmen's firing squads, Buhari, less than 48 hours, played host, in Daura, to his govenors in demonstration of their support for his second term. Now less than 48 hours after the Dapchi abduction, Buhari and the APC took to politics, at its long awaited National Executive Committee meeting, merely to clear the remaining possible hurdles against Buhari's ticket and those of the governors. How insensitive can a party be.

For those who may be deceived by his acclaimed political naivety, President Buhari is coming up as the shrewdest president to have ever ruled Nigeria. A man of scanty words, he combines deceptive muteness with stoic endurance in the machiavellian pursuit of his ambition.

In the face of seemingly fatal illness, President Buhari transmitted power, on paper, to his deputy, a denial of constitutional imperative for which, his kinsman, Umar Yar'Adua, got criticized. In practical terms, Buhari actually implemented the constitution in breach and got applause for it. He took the presidency with him to London, awarding mind boggling oil contracts and exercised real presidential acts on his sick bed, leaving his pastor Professor Deputy with preaching peace to Biafra and signing harmless Executive Orders on how to do business.

PMB has now truly reached to his private mail bag with his exclusive last card, resolving contradictions in his party by playing mutually antagonistic caucuses against one another to emerge the only idol worthy of worship and sacrifice. He has always known that the smooth talking party chairman is no threat and, in fact most comfortable with his position that, even on Buhari's sickbed then, John Oyegun was already baptizing Nigerians with the proclamation of expected Buhari second term.

Buhari made his cabal strip Tinubu of real strength and power by poaching his boys in all states, except Lagos and to some extent, Osun where his loyal lieutenant is actually his own master. He allowed Asiwaju to amuse himself with the title of the National Leader of the party, though only in some of Tinubu friendly media. He craftily patronised Tinubu in his speech at NEC, referring to him as our respected Asiwaju and his phony reconciliation committee, as the Asiwaju Committee.

It was surprising that Tinubu failed to know that Buhari was showing who the real leader was, by the greek gift of a reconciliation assignment, which may actually sing the nunc dimitis of the real Tinubu followers in the party. In truth, if there is any group to be reconciled with the mainstream APC and its government anywhere, it is the Tinubu group considered loathsome by all.

Yet, Asiwaju, the inarguably most accomplished politician in Nigeria since the return of democracy, openly walked into the trap of wanting to be a judge in his own cause, ignoring the admonition of his well meaning lovers, including his wife. Surprisingly and most tactlessly perhaps, Tinubu showed his hand too early in his acrid letter to Oyegun, the beloved son. The NEC meeting was actually called to finally cage the Lion of Bourdillon.

Before his very eyes, Oyegun and the errant structure of the party was asked to midwife the process of the 2019 elections, effectively putting an end to Tinubu's trouble shooting. The unanimous adoption of this proposal, should be for Asiwaju, more than an ominous sign of a perfected coup. My militant governor in Ondo state delivered the message in the most enchanting wizardry of sophistry, when he denied saying that he ever told Tinubu to stay off the state with his assignment, but that Asiwaju's coming may be unnecessary because he would actually have no reconciliation work to do. Yet so reconciled is the Ondo State APC that Arakunrin Aketi has declared one of their only ranking senator a persona non grata.

With the states' party Executives in the firm grips of the governors, perfectly alligned with the compliant Oyegun smooth talker, Tinubu now knows his assignment is over and merely marking his days at the mercy of his traducers in the party knuckled together by his tireless foot walking across the nation. Now merely holding the strands ends of the broom, one or two strands may come his way, by compensatory appointments to his supporters at this twilight, his hands are far from the handle of the broom.

This is no doubt a most trying time for the most enigmatic Nigerian politian of this generation. In 2003, contrary to popular beliefs, Tinubu was the first among the AD governors to express support for Obasanjo's second term, when he declared at the Murtala Mohammed Airport, on his way to Mecca, that he would deliver 5 million Lagos votes to Obasanjo. At the critical time, Tinubu beat a tactical retreat and warned his colleagues and the national leadership of the Afenifere against any deal with OBJ. Tinubu was proved right and remained the last man standing, strategically wining his Lagos baby from the Obasanjo's onslaught.

When he felt his presidential runs with Atiku or Ribadu were going to produce no goals,Tinubu did a solo and maradonically meandered his ways to the posts. He did not win the national match but certainly not disgraced, as he added to the Lagos lone goal, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti and Edo states. He's yet to decipher the Ondo formula.

From self retirement, Asiwaju took Buhari from the cold, brushed off the images of irredentist religious bigotry and ethnic jingoism and tagged him with the messianic message of change and the rest now is history. Let those beating their chests that Asiwaju is spent, particularly those who rode on his back to reckoning and feel they could suck and throw him off like a piece of orange, be told that this sunmeri needs only the next rain.

Sunmeri is the proverbial plant in the riverine climes (I don't know the English name) which, when you think is dead and dry, only surprisingly sprouts in the next rainy season.The firmament is gathering clouds for the next season of political rains. Let those dozing avoid snoring.

Saturday, 03 March 2018 11:39
Saturday, 03 March 2018 11:34

Those alleging Al-Mustapha gave me money are liars, I challenge them to provide proof

Founder, Oodua Peoples Congress, Dr Fredrick Fasehun has challenged Nigerians accusing him of being ‘settled’ by Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, Chief Security Officer to the late Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha to come out with proof or stop disparaging his name.

Throwing the challenge in this interview conducted by TUNDE THOMAS, Fasehun lamented that some Nigerians who were shocked by his decision to forgive Al-Mustapha who was part of Abacha’s regime that tortured and detained him have been spreading falsehood over his decision to forgive the former CSO.

“It is my own decision and I have no regret over it. Those saying I collected money from Al-Mustapha are spreading falsehood. I challenge them to come out with proof, otherwise they should keep quiet for ever,” he said. The OPC leader also spoke on other national issues.

What is your reaction to recent comments by the APC national chairman, Chief John Odigie Oyegun, and Kogi State governor Alhaji Yahaya Bello that there is no alternative to President Buhari in 2019?

I’m surprised by the comments credited to both of them. They are speaking like Nigerian politicians. They are saying what should be expected from them. These are politicians that people refer to as Agip politicians. That is politicians supporting any government in power. And in Oyegun and Bello’s case, they must speak in support of their principal and ally, President Buhari.

Now coming to their comments, both of them have goofed. Oyegun and Bello have goofed. How can Buhari be Nigeria’s messiah? Nigeria’s messiah in what way? Does Oyegun know the true meaning of a messiah? A messiah means somebody that has come to save and protect. But can Buhari be described as a savior or a protector when Nigeria has been turned into a killing field under his watch?

The news coming out of Nigeria daily since Buhari took over in 2015 is very scaring. It is news of innocent Nigerians being killed all over the place by bandits, kidnappers, and Fulani herdsmen. Nigeria has gradually been turned into a killing field. From Benue to Taraba, Taraba to Adamawa, Adamawa to Kaduna to Zamfara, it is tales of gory killings and bloodshed. It is as if Nigeria is without a leader, and yet Buhari is there as President, and it is under his watch that all these killings and loss of lives are taking place, and yet some callous and heartless Nigerians like Oyegun could have the boldness to describe him as Nigeria’s messiah – this is very sad and unfortunate. I wonder if Oyegun is a genuine Christian, I wonder if Oyegun is a man with conscience. It is only a heartless man that will describe Buhari as Nigeria’s messiah.

Again, what are the criteria Oyegun is using to describe his principal and ally, as a messiah. Does Buhari deserve the accolade of a messiah when millions of Nigerians are dying of hunger daily? Hunger, poverty, unemployment, suffering and hardship are what millions of Nigerians have come to know since 2015 when Buhari became President.

For Yahaya Bello to say that there is no alternative to Buhari in 2019 is a big insult to Nigerians. Governor Yahaya Bello and others in his shoes saying that there is no alternative to Buhari are saying rubbish. They should apologise to Nigerians. How can Yahaya Bello say that there is no alternative to Buhari in a country of over 170 million people? There are hundreds of alternatives if not thousands of alternatives to Buhari in Nigeria.

However, I’m not shocked by Bello’s comments, he is only trying to sing praise of Buhari who is his benefactor and God-sent helper. The bitter truth today is that millions of Nigerians are not satisfied with Buhari, and his party APC. Both have disappointed the nation – they have performed poorly – they have failed Nigerians. In fact, I wept for Nigeria the day Buhari was elected President.

But what those supporting President Buhari’s reelection are saying is that he should be voted for a second term to enable him consolidate on his current achievements …

Cuts in … Which achievements? As far as I’m concerned, Buhari has not done anything to merit a second term in office. Buhari has failed, and APC has also failed. To ask Buhari to continue in office for a second term will only mean one thing, and that is prolongation of sufferings for Nigerians. Millions of Nigerians that voted for APC and Buhari in 2015 are now regretting their action. They are now angry and they are now waiting for 2019 to punish APC and Buhari with their votes. Honestly, Buhari and APC have shortchanged Nigerians, and that’s why the song on the lips of many disappointed Nigerians now is change the changers. That’s to tell you the extent to which APC has become a big bundle of disappointment. My sincere advice to Buhari is that he should forget 2019. He should just do his first term and retire to his village in Daura.

With your disappointment with APC, are you in support of the return of PDP to power as some Nigerians and PDP supporters have been canvassing?

No. None of the two parties should be in power again. Both PDP and APC have disappointed Nigerians. PDP was even better. But I believe that it is time for Nigeria to have new a party in power. We have over 69 political parties. From these, we can have alliances that will bring up a new political party that will provide dividends of democracy to Nigerians.

With the way APC has disappointed there is no way I will canvass for APC to win 2019 general elections. PDP and APC are birds of the same feather. Both parties should quit the stage for a new political party to take over.

Honestly, Buhari and APC have nothing to offer again. We need a new political order to take Nigeria to the next level.

What’s your view on the Coalition for Nigeria Movement that former President Olusegun Obasanjo floated as a way of providing an alternative to PDP and APC?

Obasanjo should stop interfering in Nigeria’s affairs. Nigerians should be allowed to decide their own fate. Obasanjo can’t divorce himself from some of the problems confronting us in Nigeria today. He was part of the problem. Obasanjo should leave Nigeria alone, enough is enough. Although as a former leader, he has a right to talk and offer advice but I believe he should leave Nigerians alone – Obasanjo has paid his dues, it is time for him to quit politics. He should retire from politics.

What is your take on the letters written to President Buhari by Obasanjo, and former President Ibrahim Babangida?

Both of them are in order by writing Buhari. As elder statesmen and  leaders of this nation, they are eminently qualified to write Buhari. I disagree with those who have been criticizing the two former leaders for writing Buhari – Obasanjo and Buhari should be allowed to express their minds, especially if doing so will make Buhari to do the right thing in the best interests of Nigeria. As far as I’m concerned, Obasanjo’s regime or administration was far better than Buhari’s government. There is nothing wrong in both former leaders writing to Buhari to advise, and also to criticize him. I believe what Obasanjo and Babangida have done, they did in the best interest of Nigeria.

What’s your take on the present state of insecurity across the land especially with the recent killings in Benue, Zamfara, Taraba and other parts of the country?

It is sad and very worrisome that Nigeria is gradually being turned into a state of blood. Almost everyday now you have blood of innocent Nigerians being spilled either by bandits or Fulani herdsmen. The menace of herdsmen has now reached such an alarming proportion that the whole country is now endangered by the activities of these herdsmen.

But what is baffling is this, are we not supposed to have a leader who also doubles as the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces? We have, and that person is President Muhammadu Buhari, but from what we have seen so far, it appears as if Buhari is on vacation or seems not to be troubled or bothered by the nefarious activities of the herdsmen. But for how long will the blood spilling and murder of innocent Nigerians continue before a drastic solution is found?

I’m appealing to members of the National Assembly, both the upper and the lower chambers to hold a joint emergency session to chart a way out. But Buhari should remember that what he promised Nigerians was that he was for nobody but for everybody. But from his actions so far, he has clearly demonstrated that he has not been acting or behaving as if all parts of Nigeria is his constituency, he has not been behaving the way a father should behave to all his children. The killings in Nigeria today have become a serious national embarrassment. One of the primary duties of any government is protection of lives and properties, but today it appears as if nobody is in charge.
Buhari should remember that he is President of Nigeria, and the onerous task of securing the lives and property of all Nigerians rest squarely on his shoulders. He should remember that the buck stops on his table. If those he appointed in charge of security are not living up to expectations, he should not hesitate to fire them. He should sack any security chief found to be negligent in his duty.

If Buhari refuses to take urgent action on this insecurity crisis, it will be one of the issues that will be used against him by his opponents during the 2019 general elections campaign. Security is a serious business. It is not a team affair, federal government should wake up to its responsibilities. Enough of bloodshed. Enough of blood spilling. Even the blood of those being killed unjustly is crying out for justice. Buhari has to find a way out to stop this blood flow.

Buhari and APC leaders who are in government should remember the goodwill they enjoyed in 2015 during the build up to that general elections. While some of us that are not Buhari’s admirers were warning Nigerians not to vote for Buhari and APC, instead of listening to our warnings and advice, they called us names, and rejected our advice. They were cheering Buhari and APC.

But today the story has changed. Those Nigerians that were cheering Buhari and APC leaders are now jeering at them – that’s even enough to tell APC leaders that the tide has changed, and that’s why it has become imperative for Buhari and APC to undertake positive changes. But first and foremost, something urgent has to be done about insecurity, killings, hunger and poverty that have become daily companions of Nigerians since 2015. Nigerians don’t deserve what they are presently getting from the APC led government today.

Is restructuring the way out of all these crises facing Nigeria as some people have been saying?

I support those saying so. Restructuring, genuine one will help to diffuse a lot of tension. In the First Republic, when Nigeria was practicing true federalism, there was development, steady growth, and healthy rivalry for development among the regions and the component units that make up the federation. Then fiscal federalism was in practice unlike now when everybody depends on revenues from crude oil to survive. There was no tension and friction.

But with the military incursion into power, everything changed, federalism became bastardised, and since then genuine peace has eluded Nigeria. To get it right, we have to restructure. To get it right we have to return to a true practice of federalism. It is the only way to have enduring peace in the country.

For the South West governors, what will be your advice, or how do you think they can handle the issue of herdsmen?

As the chief security officer of their states, they are vested with power to take actions to secure the lives and properties of all citizens in their domain not only Yoruba – they should make laws that will protect farmers and people from violent attacks by herdsmen.

Like Ekiti state governor, Ayodele Fayose has done something in that regard. While I enjoin all Nigerians irrespective of ethnic diversity to live in peace and harmony, no individual or group should however be seen to be taking actions that will hurt the interests of others. Human life is very precious. It is not something to be toyed with. Human life is sacrosanct, and this is why I expect governors to take actions that will secure the lives and properties of their people.

I also believe that ranching option can help to stop these senseless killings. Fulani herdsmen should be encouraged to imbibe the ranching option, while modalities should be worked out on how to make the option easier for them to embrace.

Not much is being heard about the Unity Party of Nigeria, UPN which you floated some years back, some people even claimed that you have been sacked with a new exco now in place, what is the true position of things?

The true situation of things is that today as we are speaking, I remain the bona fide chairman and founder of UPN. All those claiming to be this and that concerning UPN including one Professor are all fakes. They are all impostors. UPN Certificate of Registration is in my custody. But for those doubting Thomases, and others that may be confused about the current status of UPN, they can direct their enquiries to INEC. INEC would then enlighten them, and open their eyes to the truth. There is no controversy or crisis in UPN at all. I’m still in charge, and my party members are still very loyal to me. My leadership enjoys the confidence of all UPN members.

Some Nigerians have expressed concern over your friendship with and deep affections for Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, the former Chief Security Officer to the late General Sani Abacha whose regime tortured and incarcerated you for a long time when he was in power. Some people are alleging that Al-Mustapha has settled you, and that’s why you have become his new godfather, what’s your response to that?

I laugh when people make allegations that can’t be substantiated. What do I need Al-Mustapha’s money for? Why should I collect money from Al-Mustapha? I’m a Christian, and what the Bible teaches us is forgiveness. I simply forgave Al-Mustapha over what Abacha’s regime did to me and some other Nigerians, and I don’t have any apology for that.

Jesus Christ taught about forgiveness, and I believe in Christ and his teachings, and that’s why I forgave Al-Mustapha, and I have no apology to offer anybody over that. For those who are making allegations that I collected money from Al-Mustapha, I challenge them to come out with any proof. They are all big liars – they are those Nigerians who profess to be genuine Christians and Muslims but still have unforgiving spirits.
